American Justice and Strauss-Kahn

But it's not a normal situation. He's not a normal 60+yr-old man. He is/was a very powerful man in the world of international finance and French politics. I find it hard to believe that the maids don't know who the important guests are in the hotel.
When you have hotel rooms that cost $3,000 a night, it's a fair guess that every guest in that room is important, or at least quite rich. If you're cleaning a €3,000 per night room every working day, it is unlikely that you'll be swooning in girlish admiration for a foreigner 30 years older than you.
There are indeed other possibilities. You're right insofar it is not impossible that she had consensual sex with him. To me, it is just quite unlikely.

Given there is absolutely no way either of us could actually quantify this, it's a complete and utter pointless question.
The point is that posters have suggested that she knew that he was 'head of the IMF'. I'd bet a fiver that she had no idea who or what the IMF was before this went down.

Actually: yes. And Bar staff and receptionists and other staff at hotels. All communicated to me from ex and current staff at hotels. It happens. It's a mad mad world where even those not blessed with looks or youth can still sleep with people.
Mad mad world indeed - maybe so mad that it is imaginary.
ah, complainer, if only you knew. Having worked in the travel business for forty years ,including much time in hotels across Europe I can confirm all previous reports and worse.

But this is getting silly....
Look we all know that some women are attracted to distinguished-looking older men. (I've never achieved that look, being more like a sad old tramp). Being ultra-rich is an added stimulant. Surely there's no argument there?

However, in this case is it not likely that the gentleman in question ,renowned for both his sexual appetite and commercial acumen, combined those two attributes and satisfied the first by utilising the second? He paid her.

And I agree with the statement above " I'd bet a fiver that she had no idea who or what the IMF was before she went down".
The point is that posters have suggested that she knew that he was 'head of the IMF'. I'd bet a fiver that she had no idea who or what the IMF was before this went down.

Mad mad world indeed - maybe so mad that it is imaginary.

Do we know how many time he stayed there and how staff were briefed as to who he was? No. So we can't make any assumptions.

As to the last point, thanks for suggesting I just made that up, but hopefully the above post might just cause some form of retraction? Hotels aren't the only places such behaviour goes on, similar tales exist in offices and don't get started on the airline industry.

But if it's all just a big lie I've created as is my lie that women may just sleep with someone for reasons other than their looks. and my even worse lie that it's nice to wait until a trial before presuming someone guilty of an accusation.
However, in this case is it not likely that the gentleman in question ,renowned for both his sexual appetite and commercial acumen, combined those two attributes and satisfied the first by utilising the second? He paid her.
I mentioned that possibility in an earlier post.

And I agree with the statement above " I'd bet a fiver that she had no idea who or what the IMF was before she went down".
Now, now....
Complainer, he's a rich socialist. Therefore he'd fit right in with the Labour Party here. Are you sure you don't like him?