American Justice and Strauss-Kahn


Registered User
When I saw Strauss-Kahn being dragged around in chains, jostled by baying mobs, thrown in a nasty prison and eventually given the most onerous bail conditions -well, the guy was obviously guilty.

As the mayor of N.Y.said - if he didn't like his treatment he shouldn't have done the crime.

Of course,we all felt uncomfortable about such a display of guilty-until-proven-guilty attitude in the USA - but ,sadly, the guy deserved what he got -plus losing his IMF job and the chance of becoming leader of the socialist party and perhaps President of France. How else should a rapist be treated?

But I had a dream last night where I imagined watching TV news that the guy may actually be innocent -at worst guilty of a consensual quickie (with a corrupt/criminal hotel maid.)

I know it was only a dream because if it was true then my love of America and its principles of freedom and justice will have been proved ,as my friends continually tell me, to be naive in the extreme. Yes, US makes lousy overseas policy decisions , has a growing fundamentalist problem-Tea Party etc - but it is essentially a morally just society.

So, obviously, Strauss-Kahn is guilty of rape and it was just a dream.
I think his libel lawyers will have carefully filed away all of the media reports from when this story first broke.

Doesn't explan why he, as reported, legged it to the airport, leaving his phone behind him at the hotel.

It's an odd one
We in Ireland should just be glad that the biggest bullies in the whole wide world want to be mates with us!
I think his libel lawyers will have carefully filed away all of the media reports from when this story first broke.

Doesn't explan why he, as reported, legged it to the airport, leaving his phone behind him at the hotel.

It's an odd one

That's not what actually happened, he went to meet his daughter for lunch, he has a number of phones one of which he rang the hotel to retrieve, he was already booked on that flight.
Yes, the Chinese do like us.

I like chinese too!

You couldn't really regard China as bigger bullies on the world stage though, well not IMO. Israel maybe but def not China (joke ok!)
Saw something in the news today about the possibility of the case being dropped due to credibility issues with the alleged victim.
Looks like your dream will come through Nick, Even the prosecutors are doubting the alledged victims version of events.
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Let the New World Order conspiracies start

Unlikely scenario. Accusations made. Arrested. On Bail. Loses Job. New person in job done in fairly cloak and dagger fashion. New person in job possibly more big bank friendly. I smell NWO stitch up.

I don't btw.
Let the New World Order conspiracies start

You missed the allegation that the alleged victim/principal prosecution witness has being receiving discrete lodgments to her bank account over the last year, totalling USD 100K.
You missed the allegation that the alleged victim/principal prosecution witness has being receiving discrete lodgments to her bank account over the last year, totalling USD 100K.

Dang, thanks. Those lizard overlords are so evil.
I read the NY Times article here. Which indicates that the accuser may have crediblilty issues. Hard to know what's going on really, but in fairness, it was the prosecution that raised the issue of her credibility. I wonder if DSK is exhonorated, will he run against Sarky? The French are very forgiving around sexual shenanigans.
The French are not the most pro-American nation either -and if ,really, DSK is innocent then his treatment by the Americans will be a big plus in any French election.
The French are not the most pro-American nation either -and if ,really, DSK is innocent then his treatment by the Americans will be a big plus in any French election.

That's what I was thinking. It's really a plot by the Americans to make sure that DSK gets elected.

If it turns out that the accuser was lying, she should face the same time that DSK would have gotten if found guilty.

Even for us ordinary folk, mud sticks and lives can be ruined over by false accusations.

So if maybe the penalty was five years (I don't know what it is),the lying accuser gets the penalty
No Mickey mouse wasting police time reports or slap on the wrist.

Think twice before filing a report and pressing charges

Sorry, bit offtopic

The French are very forgiving around sexual shenanigans.

François Mitterrand had a child with his long term mistress, never did him a bit of harm in the polls