American invasion


Registered User
Anyone else really enjoying the amount of Americans in Dublin this weekend? Sometimes I need to be reminded what a great people they are. Dont really share the same sense of humour but they are great company. You forget that politicians don't represent a country just like ourselves.
there's some amount of them around Dublin. I was down west last weekend up and there were a lot of them there also.
Fair play to them for travelling this far for 1 game.

I agree about them being good people. Generally happy and upbeat, spend a fair few quid when over here and have a genuine interest in finding out more about us and where there ancestors come from.
I was out in temple bar lastnite the place was covered in americans all the navy lads kitted out in the uniforms and the women hanging out of them.It was good to see the pubs full it was a small boost for the economy.
Met a coachload of them today at the Hill of Tara, they were on a day trip (heading to Newgrange afterwards). Seemed to be enjoying themselves, despite the damp conditions and the sheep droppings on the hill!!

+1 Sunny, they are generally great people.
I was in O'Donoghues of Merrion Row yesterday sheltering from the heat whilst watching the Dubs & Mayo.
There was a huge American presence of all ages & sizes - all of whom were engagingly interested in the game & the in house music.
Their good humour & constant questions were a change from the somewhat cynical conversations that are a feature of Irish pubs - although I did my best !
Great day and a needed boost for the economy - they do like to spend their money!