Amending a birth cert as a grown adult? Ireland


New Member
Hi strange one here and just looking for general feedback, my mother passed away in november of 24 so i have found myself trying to help my father with everything that follows aside from grief off course (paperwork), just going through things I've noticed my dads name wasnt put on my birth cert when I was born in the 80s. my parents got back together several years after I was born which is why dad wasnt put on the cert. im trying to help my dad get everything documentation wise sorted and although its my birth cert I plan on amending that also which will prove a little different now that mother has passed.

Anyone got any feedback on something like this? Obviously it would have been something that would have been easier with both parents alive but I cant remember the last time I looked at my birth cert. Is it possible for a 40+ year old adult to amend their own birth cert? I'd like to do this for myself in the long run to have everything sorted and tidied
Did your parents marry? Before or after you were born.

AFAIK you can amend your birth certificate but it requires a court order.

Does it make any practical difference what it says on your birth certificate?
Did your parents marry? Before or after you were born.

AFAIK you can amend your birth certificate but it requires a court order.

Does it make any practical difference what it says on your birth certificate?

hi thanks for the reply, no neither of my folks married after I was born and they were together right up until my mothers death, together but not married. I've no idea if it makes any practical difference, my name is on my fathers will and the likes but just to tidy up my own affairs bizarre as that may be I'd like to do it for my own family (wife & two kids)
I mean there’s a slight risk you might not be able to avail of the Group A threshold for inheritance but I have never heard of Revenue looking for a birth certificate.

A simple and cheap solution might be a statutory declaration of paternity by your father while he is still of sound mind. This would be evidence of you ever need it that he is actually your father.

Any solicitor should be able to help with this and it would cost a few hundred euros.

But others with legal knowledge may have better advice.