Am I the fool for never breaking the law...

Makes you wonder what the point is of living within the law

Peace of mind maybe? Never having to worry about that summons dropping on the mat for doing 200kph on the M7

However I see where you're coming from.
Have to agree on this one, though not about burning down businesses or similar. When you consider all the decent respectable people who never did anything wrong in their lives now being screwed from all angles because of the greed and dishonesty of others. Not only greed and dishonesty but the thoughtlesness of others.
At the moment I am being driven mad by a couldn't care less neighbour whose dog is incessantly barking.
I am not sure if there is a way to avoid any of it though.
Personally I blame my parents, if they hadn't been supportive, instructive and nurturing I'd be able to get away with this too.

Judge Patricia Ryan said [...] the court noted Harcourt's personal circumstances, in that his drug-addicted mother died in 2001, leaving his sister, who was 15 years old at the time, to raise him.

My mum doesn't even drink! What chance do I have? Might have to start spiking her triffles with opiates or something to buy me some community service.
I love the fact that his 'standing in the community' was one of the mitigating factors. Whatever about not sending him to jail but he doesn't even have to pay a cent towards paying off the damage caused. I know he would never be able to pay it off but it's the principle of the matter.
The judiciary in this country are so out of touch it's not funny.

Every bloody criminal has a ready made excuse re parents, drugs, alcohol, abuse etc to mitigate the circumstances under which they perpetrated the crime.

This guy pleaded guilty AFTER giving Gardai TWO false alibis and he still gets a suspended sentence.

He also has 12 previous convictions. Sure wait until he gets up to 75+ before he participates in an incident where 2 innocent men are murdered.

I dont see how his 'standing in the community' could be a mitigating factor considering that he has 12 previous convictions? Surely this should have counted against him?
I dont see how his 'standing in the community' could be a mitigating factor considering that he has 12 previous convictions? Surely this should have counted against him?

You would think but apparently not.
And we all know who Judge Patricia Ryan is married to dont we??? Brian Lenihan!

This Country is run by clowns!!
As far as the law is concerned - it is easier to catch the normally compliant people (who generally fear and respect the law) than it is to put away serious and dangerous criminals. There just isn't the will there to catch these people and put them away.

Our contract with the state in this regard isn't worth the paper it's written on. The more these types of incidents occur, the more people are going to realise that we need Batman. Him or Harry Brown aka Michael Caine. Sooner or later people are going to realise who's side the law is on.
So what punishment has he been given? Surely this story can't be true.

Did the judge buy a dodgy car from this dealership or something or did they not give her a full tank of petrol when she bought a car from them.

This fool should have money taken from his wages each week at a minimum.

Revolving door. I said it before, The judiciary and solicitors are dependant on this reveolving door. If all their "customers" were in prison they would have no work to do.
I actually read this in the paper at lunch and was planning on starting a thread on it.

Mitigating factors were:

Good employment record - surealyearning a living for oneself shoudl be teh very least that is expected of someone

Good standing in the community - surelay he has a terrible standing in teh community no? 12 previous convictons (so how many more things did he actually get away with also) as well as this terrible incident.

His early plea of guilty - he lied to gardai and he was caught red hande by cctv foorage as well as mobile phone records. Surely it as obvious he tried to squirm out of it and only pleaded guilty when he had no choice.

I have to say, this is one of worst decisions by a judge in a long time.
Clearly the judge has little or no commen sense.
People need to realise that our 'Just Us' system isnt about Justice at all. Its about maintaining the Status Quo. Now get back in your shoebox apartment while the Judge drives to his Ivory Tower in Leafy Suburbia or to his Country Mansion.

Question Nothing. Obey All Authority! Everything is Ok......
As far as the law is concerned - it is easier to catch the normally compliant people (who generally fear

Strangely enough I find this at work, the generally compliant taxpayers who are already "in the net" face increasingly onerous compliance costs, threat of Revenue Audit etc. but those outside the loop, how often are they brought to account? It is easier of course to review those who are already filing and pick them up on errors or omissions than those who are not. ( Note to Revenue, get yer "ahams" out there and start working on the non-compliers and "black-economists" a little more than ye seem to be doing at present )
Absolutely Graham - this happens all the time with Revenue. Letters sent and interest charged on normally compliant taxpayers while those who are constantly late and eventually get themselves into trouble have the interest/charges written off by the self same revenue departments.

I actually know of one on-street business which is trading without a licence or being registered for ANY tax at all for the last 4-6 months.

On another note, I contacted the PRTB in relation to a neighbouring property which was previously rented to enquire if it was still rented. The PRTB actually told me that the property was NEVER registered with them EVER. The girl in the PRTB then told me that if I came back to her with the name of the person who owned the property AND the name of the person who was renting previously then they would look into it.
This is the best part

In suspending the sentence, Judge Ryan said the court had taken into account Harcourt's good employment record, his standing in the community, his early plea of guilty and testimonials to his good character.

What exactly is his standing in the community? It really is beggars belief.