I have recently been left very short by my last uncle. First knowing, I was left in his "will" verbally, as I would not go down the road of signing it while he was alive.
I had thought, if its meant to be and all that.
I was the only relation he had left and therefor took it I would be left the home I visited since a kid.
Unfortunately a so called friend of his was hanging round for years knowing what I did not.
He was left the house and land and never put himself out one bit.
I dont want to sound greedy, which im not. Its just a case of, for years I made sure he visited the doctor, had the shopping in, checked on him all the time. This while I travelled over two hundered miles each week, losing out on pay at work over a ten year period.
I even payed for his funeral!
Although I accept his friend is legally the new owner, am I entitled to any of my loss of earnings, money it cost me in travel, shopping etc??
Appreciate if someone could relate to my case...