Am I alone in wanting to scream at the TV during the RTE evening news?


Registered User
Am I alone in wanting to scream at the TV during the RTE evening news? Last night (not for the first time) I experienced that delightful nerve-grating sensation which happens when the Crime Correspendent (of all people) displays his ignorance of the difference between the words robbed and stole. Couple this with the tendency of Bryan Dobson to pronounce secretary as secetary and nuclear as nucular. Altogether its enough to make my blood pressure rocket. Perhaps I'm just a pedantic old fart but should we not be entitled to expect higher standards from our national TV station?
Re: RTE News

What really struck me about the news last night what when they were reporting on the guy who went on that crime spree and broke into 12? houses. Couldn't believe they were showing the houses of some of the victims on the news. Its the last thing i'd want if i'd been one of the victims. I felt it was invasive and insensitive. Kindof turning the whole thing into a spectical and perhaps attracting unwanted ogglers to people who have gone through a terrible ordeal. Really bugged me anyway.
Re: RTE News

Thrifty said:
What really struck me about the news last night what when they were reporting on the guy who went on that crime spree and broke into 12? houses. Couldn't believe they were showing the houses of some of the victims on the news. Its the last thing i'd want if i'd been one of the victims. I felt it was invasive and insensitive. Kindof turning the whole thing into a spectical and perhaps attracting unwanted ogglers to people who have gone through a terrible ordeal. Really bugged me anyway.

Have to agree, thought it was very odd the way they showed the houses. However what annoyed me most was the scumbag tosser responsible for the crime spree got a laughable 9 years for causing mayhem. I'm sure the girl whose clothes he cut off with a stanley knife feels safe now!
Re: RTE News

Im moving this from the 'Non Financial Questions' Forum to the 'LOS' forum.

it would be nice for a judge to dole out consecutive rather than concurrent sentences in cases like the one mentioned...daithi
I have heard RTE news readers say "pacifically" for "specifically". oohhh that gets on my wick.
judges live in a little planet of their own. dont expect common sense from them.
I find it annoying when anyone pronounces the word modern as "mod_ren"
Or the word western as "west-ren"
Or eastern as "east-ren".
I think you get the trend.
Have been watching the news with far more interest now. I didn't really notice it before but its almost like the reporters, newsreaders are being coached to talk in a particular way. It's going like the BBC which developed its very own english accent which involved sucking in both cheeks while talking. Last night in particular i imagined one of the reporters being coached from the side with 'slowly, slowly' being mouthed 'now pause...this is ..... RTE news' rather like a teacher encouraging her 5 year olds in their first school play.
Have to say the standard of journalism on RTE news in my opinion is getting lower and lower with what seems to be sensationalism being the byword rather than facts.
I see RTÉ did their usual trick last night of asking the former parish priest of the parish in which the Holahan family lived for his views on the events, case and verdict? :rolleyes:

I also couldn't figure out why they started all bulletins (TV and radio) last night with the comment that "Wayne O'Donoghue will spend Christmas in jail having been found guilty of the manslaughter of Robert Holahan ..." rather than simply saying that he had been found guilty and had been remanded for sentencing in the new year? Mind you the [broken link removed] does the same this morning. What is the relevance of him spending Christmas in jail?
Capaill said:
Have to say the standard of journalism on RTE news in my opinion is getting lower and lower with what seems to be sensationalism being the byword rather than facts.

Not just RTE journalism, but journalism in Ireland in general is quite disappointing to me at the moment. "Dumbing down" is a phrase I'd say would apply to much of our media these days.
Maybe it's not a case of journalists dumbing down but the public smartening up? Glass half full and all that... ;)
ClubMan said:
but the public smartening up?

I dunno Clubman. As a member of the "public" you're taking about, are you implying that I used to be stoopid??? :D

This article this morning struck me in particular as a case in point about poor journalism, especially given some of the more enlightened comments here on AAM about the same subject.

We've here identified some issues with the site, and some questions that should/could be asked, yet it's totally brushed over here in the interests of filling space.
That article is like one of those standard advertorial articles based on a press release that are regularly churned out in the business, finance, property, recruitment, IT etc. sections of newspapers.
ClubMan said:
That article is like one of those standard advertorial articles based on a press release that are regularly churned out in the business, finance, property, recruitment, IT etc. sections of newspapers.

I don't disagree. Sure they might as well have just cut and pasted the press release into the paper itself. They'd have had time for an extra coffee break if they did that.

I suppose my issue is that there's an opening there for someone to ask a few questions, dig a little deeper, and find out, for example, is Eddie making money from Liberty Asset Management for just the financial side of things or from the property side of things as well, and how does that fit into his outburst on RTE on Saturday night.

Or maybe I'm just overly inquisitive.
The RTE Prime Time feature on North Korea spent about five minutes dealing with the one official Catholic community in the country (including an interview with the Irish priest who formerly headed the congregation and an unsubstantiated allegation that the current leaders were Korean Communist Party operatives - not beyond the bounds of possibility but surely meriting the production of some evidence?) and a Protestant organisation in South Korea with which a North Korean exile was working. Given that Christianity is a minority ethos in both Koreas one wonders what (other than editorial interferance perhaps) prompted this slant? Some old habits (no pun intended) seem to die hard in this great country of ours... :(