Am I alone in thinking ICTU's 1 day work stoppage on March30th is stark raving mad!

Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Interesting thanks - never knew that.

Never been on strike but one of my colleagues reckons we only get paid if the strike is 'prolonged', not for a one day stoppage. This ties in with what Jaybird said.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I agree so why did the Bearded Brethren look for pay increases instead of measures to reduce the cost of housing (or at least stop the rate of increase)?

Come on! When you see how closely the political system has been involved in planning system do you seriously expect the unions to be able to change the tide of political corruption?
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Come on! When you see how closely the political system has been involved in planning system do you seriously expect the unions to be able to change the tide of political corruption?
The unions are part of the tide of political corruption. Read Animal Farm; they are inside the house at the dining table and the suckers they leach off, I mean represent, are outside looking in.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I cannot understand it. A weekend protest might be acceptable but anyone going on strike is even more out of touch with reality than the Anglo directors!

the most out of touch people at the moment are those who are trying to lay the blame for our country's depression on bankers...

suprisingly enough it is our dear government and trade unions who are doing this...both parties doing their best to deflect from the truth which hurts them far more, the government as they cant face up to fact they have destroyed the economy and civil servants as blaming Bankers and citing inequitable and unfairness by the government re the pension levy will help distract from the fact that huge cuts in public service wages are necessary.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

How many union leaders have you seen trotting up to the Tribunals in Dublin Castle?

in fairness, none, instead those who are directors of organisations like FAS should have been in front of the relevant Dail Committees explaining how that organisation wasted so much of the taxpayers money. The union leaders involved may not have been corrupt, but they were certainly incompetent and getting paid by the tax payer for being incompetent
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

How many union leaders have you seen trotting up to the Tribunals in Dublin Castle?

They didn't have to be corrupt; they got everything they wanted legally (if not morally).
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I would agree that all those who were involved at Board level in FAS should account for their tenure. I think if we want proper accountability on State Boards then we have to change the process of how people are appointed to them. You might see Transparency International's recent report in this regard.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Seems to be a contradiction here?
You're right, I should have been clearer. Those who have governed us for the last ten years have done so in a way which serves the interests of sections of Irish society but has damaged the nation as a whole. The elected government, the construction industry lobby groups and the unions are the three groups that have made up the real government. The unions have not had to break any laws as they got everything they wanted.
Political corruption (as corrupt politicians) is a different issue, no less serious and also feeding into the overall problem which is a political system that has been corrupted and no longer functions in the greater interests of the nation as a whole.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

One of the most dissapointing aspects out of this all is that the very fact people are listening to Unions populast propaganda highlights yet again the inadequate government opposition.

Why exactly are people striking?

If they are simply unhappy with the government, why do work days have to be lost for it to make a point? If people striked on weekends every week they would be listened to, but of course its more convenient to take money out of the economy at the expense of an employers pocket (you know those in the ivory towers who people love to blame when things arent going well, but are only too happy to work for when they themselves benefit from it).

I think most people are fed up with the way things have deteriorated and how they perceive the governments actions have targeted those of us already struggling to make ends meat. The governments inability to properly communicate what and why they have been doing things has left a void in which Unions and media have filled with garbage thats simply been counter productive to any recovery this country will make. We all know the main perpetrators of this mess, but going on about it constantly does not fix the economy.

But I think the Unions have done themselves a great disservice by playing on peoples emotions for their own cause. The very fact this strike is before the budget just shows how the unions motivations are as much about banging the drums for the sake of it, as getting better deals for their members.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

I think it is a bit silly to strike a week before the budget. They should at least wait until they have a fuller picture of what will be happening in the country.

The strike day was picked before yet another budget was decided on.

Do you think the unions should ask the govt when would be ok to have industrial action?

Speaking for myself I don't believe the unions had any choice in the matter
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

What a super idea - weekend protests - how why didn't the unions think of that? Ooops, they did

Your missing the point, I didnt say unions, I said "the people".

Anybody following everything the unions are suggesting at the moment obviously doesnt fully understand whats actually happening in the country (or they are too wrapped up in blaming everybody else to actually come up with something productive to offer).

I have said it before . . Theres a time and a place for unions . . Now is not the time as they can offer nothing but hardship for employees (no pay cuts = more job losses, simple economics) and will drag the rest of us with them. Now is the time for productive people to get working. In a recession and when jobs are being lost all over the place and we have competitive issues, what exactly can the unions offer employees! Unions are tapping into popular opinion in order to justify their existance . .

Sadly the power of the unions is more down to the lack of confidence in the government then anything that a union should be so supported for. The unions, have in effect, taken over the role of the opposition partys at the expense of us all. If this continues the Unions and their followers will eventually get what they are forcing . . The I.M.F. . . And then they wont have a voice at all . .
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

We all know the main perpetrators of this mess, but going on about it constantly does not fix the economy.

Yes but since the ones who made this mess have to sort it out and I for one don't have much hope for the economy.

But I think the Unions have done themselves a great disservice by playing on peoples emotions for their own cause.

Our govt tore up the partnership agreement, what else can the unions do?

The very fact this strike is before the budget just shows how the unions motivations are as much about banging the drums for the sake of it, as getting better deals for their members.

The nominated day of strike action 30-3-09 was taken before the govt decided to have another budget
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Our govt tore up the partnership agreement, what else can the unions do?
The Unions slithered away from the Polit-Bureau when there were hard decisions to make, exposing the lie that they were ever interested in the national good.
Now they are putting their own narrow interests ahead of the national interest… maybe they could try being a bit patriotic.

The nominated day of strike action 30-3-09 was taken before the govt decided to have another budget
Agreed, but they did know it was a work day.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Wouldn't be much of a work stoppage/strike on a non work day, would it?
No, but it could have been a day of protest/day of action, they could have got their point across without further damaging the country.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

The Unions slithered away from the Polit-Bureau when there were hard decisions to make, exposing the lie that they were ever interested in the national good.

Unions interest is in its members of which there are close 350,000 employed by our govt, these people all have families.

Everyone knows someone who works for the govt so with that in mind surely its in the national interest to keeps its members interests at heart.

Now they are putting their own narrow interests ahead of the national interest… maybe they could try being a bit patriotic.

If our govt wanted to be patriotic they'd resign from govt and put it to the voters.
Re: One Day Work Stoppage - March 30th

Your missing the point, I didnt say unions, I said "the people".
What you said was "If people striked on weekends every week they would be listened to".

Maybe I was a bit presumptuous, but when you mentioned striking, I thought of unions. Are you now suggesting that people should be striking WITHOUT involving their unions?