Alternatives to iPod Nano?


Sorry if something similar to this has been posted, but...

Kid sister wants — or thinks she does — an iPod Nano (4GB), and has asked me for the benefit of my 'wisdom'...

I can see the mass appeal of the Nano (and the advantages of flash vs. microdrive memory), but still I reckon it's over-priced and I don't like a few things about it — iTunes/DRM issues/non-user-replaceable battery, and so on. I've often read comments here and elsewhere to the effect of "for the same money, you'd be far better off with a Zen Micro/Rio Carbon/iRiver H10, etc., etc."

I've compared the specs and was just wondering if any one actually owns one of these beasties, and can speak from experience? Also whether there are any particularly good deals going at the moment, in the 4GB/6GB range? I imagine the arrival of the Nano should be pushing those prices downwards a bit...

Thanks in advance for any tips you can offer.
DrMoriarty said:
I imagine the arrival of the Nano should be pushing those prices downwards a bit...
I've just seen that DID (God bless 'em![broken link removed]) have knocked €50 off the Zen Micro 6GB, bringing it down to €241.95 (the offer isn't on the website yet, I saw it in the paper).

Best offer in town for the Nano 4GB seems to be the student-discounted [broken link removed] from the Apple Store.

Both of those prices are surprisingly good for old "rip-off Ireland", methinks — better than most of the big UK stores (when you add shipping). I can see a few cheaper deals on the likes of eBay, but I reckon the saving isn't worth it in terms of ease of return, if there's a problem...

Apart from the issue of the battery, I disagree with the "you are far better off with X or Y or Z" statements. The non-replaceable battery is probably not the issue you think it is, provided you let it discharge before you recharge again, most of the time.

I think you are over-stating the DRM issues - this only applies if you download tunes from the iTunes Music Store. Most of the other music stores (HMV Online, Sony etc.) have similar or, in some cases, more restrictive DRM controls.

iPods have the best user interface and are the easiest to use. Full stop. The iTunes Windows/Mac clients is the easiest to use and also the best IMHO.

The flash memory used in the nano is much better than the hard disk based Zen etc. - longer battery life, lighter etc.

Why don't you buy the 2GB nano instead of the 4GB and save yourself 50 squid?
Merci, MonsieurBond - I see your point(s).
Except perhaps for:
MonsieurBond said:
Why don't you buy the 2GB nano instead of the 4GB and save yourself 50 squid?
The other way of looking at it would be to ask "why not get double the memory for 50 squid extra...?"
DrMoriarty said:
Merci, MonsieurBond - I see your point(s).
Except perhaps for:The other way of looking at it would be to ask "why not get double the memory for 50 squid extra...?"

Prescisely my thinking also.

While I applaud shopping around and comparing products I can safely throw my hat into the nano camp with enthusiasm.

Despite the exagerated "scratches easily" complaints (would you carry a nano in your pocket unprotected with keys/change and then express amazement at scratches on the surface?) I've no complaints about my 4gig nano what-so-ever.

Tiny, incredibly portable, great battery life and more capacity than I could ever realistically need (and no I don't work for Apple )

Well, I bought the 4GB one for the same value-for-money reason, but was suggesting to the good Doc that if he wanted to save money buying for his kid, to consider buy the 2GB one instead.

I have to say that I have found it very easy to scratch the nano - I have ordered a silicon skin from eBay but the horse has already started cantering as there is a small scratch on the surface of my nano already. Bummer.
MonsieurBond said:
buying for his kid...
My "kid" sister, MonsieurBond... she's in her thirties!

Mon Dieu, I would never buy such an expensive gadget for a child... They're hardly "scratch-proof" themselves, never mind their bleedin' gadgets!
There was an article in the Independant today (Tues 27th) about how easy the Nano is to break and the number of complaints that have been received about it.

I didnt read it in much detail as i dont have one but it might be worth looking at if you are considering buying one.
All this talk — and a little independent research elsewhere — has put me right off the Nano, as a pressie along the lines originally outlined. I've swung both ways at least twice in the last few days (fnarr, fnarr, etc... )

Apart from the reservations listed above, I've also found lots of fairly-authoritative reviews saying they 'just don't like' the sound quality, which is surely the 'bottom line', for music-lovers of whatever persuasion...(?)

My own bottom line, in the circumstances, is simply that beloved 'kid' sister will almost certainly feck this thing into her handbag/wallet pocket w/o protection, regularly sit on it/spill her pint on it/fall over on top of it, and what-have-you. So what's the point in buying her an over-expensive, credit-card-sized, designer-dream 'slimline' yoke when — as far as I can see — she can't leave the house without a handbag that weighs 3kg? I can pick up a hardy wee 4/6Gb player on eBay for about €100, and that's what I think I'll do, tbh...