Alpine Heights, Clondalkin

Marianne S

Registered User
Hi, thinking of buying a house here, we had a drive around and it seems like a nice estate, does anybody know it? We're first time buyers with a budget of 325K max so we can't be too fussy. We don't have any children so schools are not an issue. We don't mind if it's in a trasditionally "bad area" but we don't want to be afraid in our own home!
It would really depend on what road you are buying on. Alpine Heights has always been a private Estate, accessed via "Bawnogue", which is where any trouble would have traditionally come from. Though parts of Bawnogue have quietened down an awful lot, there is still an element of anti-social behaviour, more so from the Kilmahudrick side of the area.

I know there are two Estates there on that side of the road, Alpine and Ashwood, but I dont know if Alpine is the one nearer the front, or nearer the canal.

I would say for that type of Budget, you could do an awful lot worse. I know somebody who has lived there for 10 years and has no problems. You would also do well getting it for €325K, I would think.

If you are looking around that area and price bracket, look at Dunawley, though perhaps they might be more expensive now.

I grew up near that area, so if you have any further queries, let me know.
Alpine heights is the estate to the front, first right turn. Ashwood is after the shops (second right turn). Both nice estates and fairly quiet. Parts of Bawnogue are still "no go" areas at night time though. Have friends in both Alpine and Ashwood and have never heard a bad word about either.
Thanks for the advice, I feel a bit more optimistic now, it's difficult when you don't know an area to see what it's really like