Allowable Interest on UK Rental Tax


Registered User
Can anyone tell me if interest allowable on UK rental income is only on loans actually mortgaged on the property or would interest on a top-up of an Irish mortgage also be allowable?

I know that the Irish Revenue allow interest as long as the loan was for the purposes of buying/improving the rental property regardless of whether it was mortgaged on the rental property, but not sure of the situation in UK.


I checked it out and it would appear that it would be allowable mortgaged on a different property - similar to here.

Health warning - I found this from UK tax forums, not revenue sources.
If the top up loan or mortgage is used to buy or improve a foreign property then the interest(75% of it from 2009) on the top up loan can be offset against rental income received from a foreign property.

I presume that the UK is not a special case and is no different to other foreign countries - not 100% sure on that.

Note you cannot offset interest on a Mortgage used to buy foreign property off rental income received on a property in Ireland and vica vearsa