Alex White's email


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Alex White has admitted that he sent an email that he shouldn't have sent. If this was a FF TD or minister in government, or out of it, there would be a massive media noise about it. I'm a fan of his, I think he's a great TD and a big asset to the Dáil, but why do Labour ministers and TD's get such an easy ride by most of the media (especially from RTE)?
Probably because he admitted it was a mistake straight away. Really odd story. I am embarrassed for the daughter running to daddy to deal with the college on her behalf. Really pathetic for all concerned.
Also a big fan and believe he's a great asset in this otherwise inept government.

He acted for us as a Barrister in a case and we found him to be highly intelligent, honest, forthright and personable. Perhaps the media are aware of his excellent character and have accepted that is was a mistake?

I have a private email account on my pc that I use for work and have been known when in a hurry to send an email from the work email address (it's the first choice that automatically comes up) instead of the private one.
No, in a client like Outlook you can store the login details and passwords for several accounts and set one of them as the default account for sending new messages. Next to the send button is a dropdown menu allowing to to choose a different one, but you have to remember to use it.

To be honest, if (as the Indo says) "it is the first major controversy Mr White has been involved in since taking up office", then it's pretty piddling compared to some of the other ministerial "interventions" that have come to light over the years (across all political parties). At worst, he accidentally on purpose used his position to try to obtain favourable treatment for his daughter on an insignificant issue, the location of her college work placement. He wasn't trying to get a rapist off the hook. And you can be pretty sure that the NUIG Faculty of Medicine knows "who she is" without Daddy having to use his Oireachtas email address.
It is the political mentality behind the intervention that is of interest. Surely if there were extenuating circumstances as to why she would be better suited to Sligo rather than Letterkenny she, as a high achieving student, should have the ability to make a case herself rather than have Daddy intervening
Oh, I agree entirely. This is the stuff our education system and civil service is made of, unfortunately.

I'm just saying it's hardly a resigning matter.
I'm just saying that that the right connections can make all sorts of a difference to an individual's passage through the higher education system and beyond, into recruitment (to posts within the education system or elsewhere). Nothing very new nor, perhaps, much different to other walks of life. "One hand washes the other", etc.

Being a politician's son or daughter probably brings its problems too. In a scenario like this one, of course, you have to blame the parents.
Helicopter Parenting damages children

I am embarrassed for the daughter running to daddy to deal with the college on her behalf. Really pathetic for all concerned.
It appears to be a good example of so-called 'helicopter parenting' that I for one am very guilty of and now bitterly regret.

At the time you justify it as 'being there for them' and 'just lending a helping hand', but the long term effects can be very negative.

Anyone with young children should read up on how not to be over-involved in their child's life.

Here's a good guide for parents of 1st year college students.