Aldi Gas Barbeque


Registered User
Hi everyone

Not sure if this is the right forum for this query.... I just bought my first ever gas barbeque in Aldi yesterday but it won't work :(

There is no gas getting out of the cylinder (because the barbeque won't light, even with a match - don't worry it said to try that in the instructions). I'm coming to the conclusion that the connector ("Quick On") for the cylinder included in the deal, is not the right one or I have gotten the wrong cylinder. The cylinder I have is the usual yellow one that was used in Supersers when I was a kid. It seems to match all the specifications in the instruction booklet.

Am I missing something obvious or do I need a different connector or cylinder?

Are you sure you've flicked open the little plastic 'tap' on the connector after connecting it to the gas cylinder?
Or pressed down hard on the fitting because if memory serves me well the whole top can appear to initially fit but you need to snap it into place or it won't make the connection and release the gas.
Thanks for the replies.

We did eventually get fed last night! We could find no way to get the connector to fit on the cylinder. I just don't think it was wide enough. MrRibena went to a neighbours' and found a different connector (still low pressure) and that worked first time no problem. This connector was very like the traditional one that I remember from my Superser days.

On the box, there are pictures of the barbeque working with Calor "patio gas" cylinders so maybe these would work with the original connector but where I live they would look at you as if you had ten heads if you went in search of "patio" gas :)

All worked out in the end. But if anyone else buys the Aldi gas barbeque, don't waste 2 or 3 hours thinking you are thick like we did.
