Alarm System Replacement Cost


Registered User
First time I have had to look into getting an alarm system and feeling way out of my depth

Apologies if I have missed any other threads on this topic but I couldnt find what I am seeking in the key post or other threads I came across .....

Current alarm system was in place when we moved into our house, is over 15 years old and just keeled over (I am told the control panel is shot and updating the system is the best option - this assumes that the wiring and sensors are functional).

I am hoping to get a feel for the expected cost of the following before seeking a few quotations (also hoping to get a few pointers to reliable sources for quotations).

HKC secure control panel
SABB external sounder
2 * keypads
2 * internal sounders

The engineer who came out to assess the system when it broke suggested getting an auto dialler to send texts messages when the alarm is activated. Is this a good add on option and what should I expect to pay or is there a better solution using wireless broadband or other options ?

Please feel free to point out anything I have missed out on or anything that has not been suggested that is worth considering.

Thanks in advance
I can't really help you on the price question because I can't remember what I paid for mine (although think it was just over 1,000 for the components you mentioned, but couldn't be sure) however with regard to your autodialler question...I have this on my alarm and it does give me some reassurance. I live alone so if my alarm goes off inthe middle of the night it will send a text message to my family who live nearby. In that regard it's a safety thing. It's also good as it means if it goes off during the day (as it did recently when a neighbour was having some work done) it means I can get someone to go down and turn it off rather than annonying the neighbours all day with it. The negative side to the autodialler is that I have been known to set it off about 3am when drunkingly coming in the front door and putting the wrong code in...doesn't go down well with the family who all get a 3am text!!!