Alarm clock with "gentle" alarm sounds!


Registered User
A few years back I was on a work trip in the US and was pleasantly surprised to find that the hotel room alarm clock had different "gentle" alarm sound options - e.g. rain, birdies, sea/waves etc. - instead of the normal beeper/buzzer. Anybody know where I could get something similar online or locally (Dublin)?
As one of many people who use their mobile phones as an alarm clock, I have the alarm set to a nice easy going tweety noise...not unpleasant at all given the alternative load buzzing noise
Good idea - although my ancient (but reliable) Nokia 3210 is a bit limited in terms of how gentle a sound it can generate... :(
Hubby bought one recently in Argos for about €15. Afaik it had 4 different sounds. However the display was too bright for his liking so he brought it back.
I would not listen to classical music alot but I have the clock radio set on Lyric FM very low so it wakes me gently in the mornings - very soothing.
I couldn't find any in Ireland, but if you put in "alarm clock nature" into Ebay, you'll find some in the US. Or you can buy them directly from the manufacturer:
[broken link removed]
An expensive option is a "dawn simulator" - oft used by SAD sufferers it seems, gradually gets brighter & wakes you up. Also has back-up beep & radio options.

See, about Stg£80
I don't really need a dawn simulator as I often see the real one before heading to bed! :eek:
I have a "gentle" alarm clock that is far from gentle! It's a Philip's CD alarm clock. It starts off at a very gentle soothing volume 1 and shoots up to a deafening volume 25 within a matter of minutes! A CD alarm clock might be what you're looking for Clubman. I used to wake up to a CD with the sound of water etc. but went back to my good old reliable 15 year old clock/radio within weeks of my frustrasting "gentle" wakening!
A problem with the gentle ones is that you can sleep tru them. I need a rude awakening, otherwise I can easily slip back into the arms of Morphious (sp).
Was very impressed with the alarm clock on Nokia phone which worked even though phone was turned off - no gettin' away from it.

IMHO the only way to definitely wake up is to have a radio alarm across the room that you have to get up to turn down (volume set slightly raised) and then have a few ordinary alarm clocks beside the bed, to be sure, to be sure :)