Airpark, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham

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lmd said:
However after finding out from you guys yesterday that there is a choice of paint colours I might be tempted to change, as I based the tiles on the assumption that we were stuck with the magnolia.

Don't get tooooo excited.. the colours are all pretty beigey/yellowy and not a million miles from magnolia !
itsmine said:
Don't get tooooo excited.. the colours are all pretty beigey/yellowy and not a million miles from magnolia !

Ha ha, I know, I won't get too excited over my 2 shades...

just about to sign and its starting to show. am getting very bad service from gina (DNG). one day she will say it will be about €300 for maintenance fees and i should be in by october. then a week later shel tells me when pushed for acurracy it wont be more than €400 and it will be December. How have others got on? Is anyone worried about odd clauses as to how free we are to do what we will with our houses and our surrounding land?
Your solicitor should receive a copy of the budget for Air Park management along with all the other documenation - in it there's a breakdown of the management charges etc. I've just looked up my copy:

2 bed - €300
3 bed - €350
4 bed - €400
Apartments - €1400

Hope that helps you. What type of house are you signing for ?

The completion date varies depending where your house is in the estate. The houses up near the front are ready now. The houses around the nursing home that are already pretty much built-looking will be ready in October. The rest of the houses will be December I think.

I didn't notice any particularly odd clauses - did you find something specific in your contract?
Was chatting with one of the people who have already moved in - they are delighted with the finish of the house and responsiveness of the builder to the snag list. Their house was completed on time too (they were told mid-July)... So I guess that may mean the October timeframe for the houses around the nursing home and up near Stocking Lane could be accurate too...
Hi all,

Just got a call from DNG about the fireplace allowance - apparantly it has changed and increased!

When I got my list of extras and changes, I was told the fireplace allowance for a 3-bed was €1,300 and was available from Ballymount Fireplaces.

That has been changed. It is now available from Hearth and Home Fireplaces at the Fonthill Retail Park. And the allowance has gone up to €1,750.(For the 4-bed it is €2,250)

I had noticed from previous people that the choice of fireplace in the original place was very limited. I wonder is this change a result of that?

Thankfully, I haven't chosen my fireplace yet but I wonder where does that leave people who have? It is worth looking in to.
I had been having a lot of dealings with the guy who does the extras over a few weeks. One day he phoned me and asked my opinion on what the services were like of the tiling place, the fireplace, the kitchen place. I told him the kitchen place and tiling place were both very helpful. However I recounted my story about the fireplace (see earlier in this thread) place, and told him the fireplace people were basically trying to get people to add money to the budget themselves. He said he was afraid of that and wondered would they get better value elsewhere so I said yes they should definitly ditch the fireplace crowd. Of course we had already ordered ours and signed for it so I don't think there is anything we can do (we weren't mad about the one we chose but better than the original one she tried to fob off on us). So I am glad to hear that they have changed companies. Though I might check with him again when they come back off holidays and see have they made payment for ours yet, if not will try and change to the new place. It serves them right for trying to rip people off.
That is very interesting. If that is the case, then fair play to DNG and the developers (and yourself) for spotting it. I was amazed when I read your thread about your experiences with the fireplaces.

After all, they are not 'real' fireplaces per say - mainly surrounds. How a company can charge over €1,300 for a basic fireplace surround baffles me. I got one for €200 in homebase for my current house.

People power obviously does work - maybe it is the dawning of a new era, and about time too!
And the good news is that the new fireplace supplier has a website where you can see their range. It is .
popcorn said:
Just got a call from DNG about the fireplace allowance - apparantly it has changed and increased!

Thanks for letting us know popcorn - much appreciated.
I got on to DNG and they said if my fireplace hasn't been installed yet I should be okay to get the new one. It is great to have this site, otherwise I would never have found out about them changing the fireplace people and would have been stuck with the original one! Thanks Popcorn, they also confirmed to me about the choice of paint colours which is great.
I just rang Eircom there to ask about getting a phone line and broadband installed. They said that the leadtime is 4 - 6 weeks, so we should order mid-August to have the line installed by October when we're (hopefully!) moving in. Connection cost is €121.

Are the alarm systems on the houses phone monitored ones? That makes a bit of a difference if you are ordering broadband - especially from Eircom as they tend to charge €100 extra for installing broadband when there is a phone monitored alarm on the premises.

Thanks for the tip about the 4 - 6 week wait!

Hadn't thought about the alarm !
Just rang Cuala (as their name is on the alarm boxes!) to ask. Apparently what's installed is a standard alarm without monitoring. You can buy monitoring from Cuala as an extra for €30/month once you have your phoneline installed. They say that it doesn't interfere with broadband as they will install a DSL filter on the line for €15 extra.
It's the same alarm as we have currently on our house, but we don't have the monitored one. It's great the alarm comes with the house as they are so expensive when you've enough other stuff to be buying!
lmd said:
It's the same alarm as we have currently on our house, but we don't have the monitored one. It's great the alarm comes with the house as they are so expensive when you've enough other stuff to be buying!

I've never had an alarm.... what are the features of your current one ?
From looking at my house, there are sensor thingies on the windows and doors and one motion detector in the landing upstairs. Can you put the alarm on when you go to bed without it going off if you walk around ?
To be honest we do'nt put it on at night much because we live in an apartment at the moment which is really quite secure. However in a house we will start. From experience of friends etc. it is only when you forget the alarm is on and open a window that it sets itself off, otherwise I think it's okay.
Unfortunately, alarms are a necessary evil. As well as that, it lowers the cost of your house insurance.
I currently have the Eircom phonewatch and I suppose it is good (luckily, it has never gone off!!)
There is a huge sense of security with an alarm on the house and to be honest, I would never be without one.
You can walk around the house with the alarm on - you only activate the sensors if you are going out and leaving the house empty.
originally posted by itsmine
They say that it doesn't interfere with broadband as they will install a DSL filter on the line for €15 extra.
You need to get a DSL filter for EVERY phone connection in your house (Sky+, Sky digital, fax, main phone line, wireless modem etc.) PC world sell a 3 pack for under €10. €15 seems a bit off a rip-off!

I've never had an alarm.....what are the features of your current one? Can you put the alarm on when going to bed without it going off if you walk around?
The short answer to the second question of your quote If you have a motion detector on the landing - the alarm 'sees' you moving around and sets the alarm off. Some alarms allow you to disable certain zones eg. hot weather and want the windows upstairs open at night - but still want the security of having downstairs protected from break-in.

Can't really see the benefit of having it attached to your phone - Rathfarnham isn't exactly the roughest area - and if the alarm goes off it will send the majority of burglars running!!
I have bought a 3 bed side facing and was just wondering does anyone know if it is possible to convert the attic? I'm not sure if this could be done and cant really see where you could put a stairs! Just a thought for the future as the gardens are so small there is no real option to extend!
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