Airpark, Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham

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berry said:
Has anyone choose their room paint? I believe there is a colour shart on site to choose from with 2/3 colours. Do you just ask the foreman about this?

Yes, there's a colour chart available from the foreman. There's 8 shades you can choose from - all various shades of creamy yellows. You can have one colour per room. The brand of paint on top of the colour chart is "Dulux Supermatt" and the paint colours are called:

  • Bone White
  • Sunseed
  • Gardenia
  • Orchid White
  • Summer Sun
  • Morning Glow
  • Lir
  • Buttermilk
I never heard about that, did they contact you to tell you? I have never heard of paint colours being an option in new houses before, that is really good. I must get onto them, that is really nice to be able to choose. I have to say I do think it's great to have all of these options, in our current home we didn't get to choose anything!

I know - it's a nice surprise alright ! Our current house didn't even come painted at all!!! The estate agent told me about the colour chart as part of her spiel when we were putting down our booking deposit. The foreman then just gave me a copy of the paint chart one of the times I was meeting with him about our change requests. He wanted me to get back to him in writing with what colours we want in what room.

Another nice surprise for me at AirPark is that they plant the shrubs in the gardens for you.
She never told us, I did find her to be a bit vague about stuff I have to say. I'm glad I have found out, as I'm sure they would just paint it all the same as the showhouse otherwise! Any other extras we need to know about??????!!!! Thanks for the info, I'm delighted about that!
lmd said:
I don't think so. I think it's the usual 'magnolia' type of thing throughout!

No there is a chart with about 8 colours. You can pick 3.
Have any of you gone for extra tiling (ie over and above the allowance) in your houses? If so, do the tilers on site do it or do you have to find your own tiler?

Also, regarding the laying of floorboards - any recommendations for someone who will do a good job at a good price (ie not inflated because of the SSIAs!!)

Yeah we went about €200 over on tiles I think and the girl in the tile place said to get the extra laid would cost us about €200. She said you just pay him directly for the extra work he does, which I think is great to get all that done before you move in. If you had to hire a tiler afterwards you would pay a hell of a lot more. re 'laying of floorboards' do you mean wooden floors?
You are right, it is very convenient to get the tiler on site to do the work - saves a lot of headaches afterwards.

Good tradespeople are so hard to find in Dublin so it is a relief to know we can use the talent on-site.

And yes, by floorboards, I mean wooden floorboards. Am not technically minded at all so there is no hope and bob hope of me laying them myself!!!!
Well I enquired in CarpetRite (who always seem to have a sale on) about carpets for upstairs and then wooden floors for sitting room. The girl was dead nice and she said, seriously they charge a ridiculous price to put the wooden floors down, they are so easy to fit you really save a fortune doing them yourself. However, I am the same as you Popcorn, we are useless at DIY, but looking at them you know they are that 'click fit' that just clicks together I just really wish I could do it myself! I think you have to accept if you're getting them fitted you are going to pay alot. I'm going to check out Bargaintown also though.
Yip, no matter how simple the job looks - I would still mess it up. I can't even drill a proper hole in the wall!!

How much of the kitchen/bathroom/ensuite does the tiling allowance cover? I was so taken with the 3-bed showhouse that I'm thinking of copying it basically! But I fear that I may have to fork out a fair bit extra for that.

I'm not even at that stage yet - have only paid the deposit so I can't really start dictating what I want. But it would be great to have an idea as to how much I will have to rob from the bank to finish the house off well.
I've just had a route through my paperwork, but I can't find the sheet with the tiling allowances at the minute. If you didn't get one let me know and I'll route it out and mail you the details. Well we only bought a 2 bed, as that is as far as we wanted to stretch ourselves with what we're likely to get for our own house, and we more or less copied the showhouse too. Even though I loved the dark wooden kitchen in the 4 bed showhouse I thought it safer to go with the lighter kind of shiny cream one in the 2 bed as being that the 2 bed is so small I think light is important. We are getting all of our kitchen tiled, walls and floors, our hall floor tiled, 2 bathrooms, walls and floors and it's only costing us the €200 extra in tiles and probably €200 extra in paying the tiler. Don't worry, the girl we dealt with in the tile place (Patricia I think was her name) was SO helpful, she goes through everything with you and if you're worried about money she will advise you accordingly.
Thanks a million for that. I do have the details of the tiling allowance but square metres mean nothing to me - I just wanted to know on a room by room basis what I could get and you have answered that question for me!

I will be opting for the light coloured kitchen as well. The houses are not that big (the house I have at the moment is actually slightly bigger than my new one in Airpark) and you are right regarding the light.

The way they decorated the show house was very clever - the colours maximise everything. It actually feels bigger than it actually is.

I'm thinking of getting my back garden cobble locked with just some shrubs planted around the sides (hate mowing the lawn, brings me out in sneezes!!). Have you heard of anyone in the estate doing that and do you think the people who are doing the pavements and paths would do it as an extra?
We are also getting the garden done, however we were thinking of getting the pebblestones and maybe like a water feature. We live in a duplex apartment currently and only have a patio and just want to have the least hassle possible with the garden. My mam and dad have their garden like that with some decking and it's so low maintenance. That's an interesting point about the people doing the pavements maybe doing it for you. There is no harm in asking. People often say it's better to wait till you move in and then get the builders to do these things as a nixer for you, as if you get it done in the beginning the charge you VAT on everything and it's much dearer.

As for the Air Park house being smaller, we are moving from a huge 3 bed duplex house, with a huge kitchen, sitting room, 3 bathrooms and a sunroom, to a much smaller 2 bed house. Location being the key.... Going to be difficult to adapt but the little things like the tiles and picking the paint, the garden etc. will soften the blow!
It's amazing what a de-cluttering exercise can do. Give yourselves a few weeks in the new house and you will forget what your last place was like.

My house is over 35 years old and despite investing heavily in it six years ago when I bought it, I know it is going to start costing me money again in the next few years. That is why I can't wait to have a brand, spanking new house and not to have to worry about stripping wallpaper, painting walls, plastering in holes in the wall (as I said before, I can't drill a hole properly!!)

And I think hassle-free gardens are the way to go. Just fast forward to next summer - you will be able to sit out in the evening and not have to worry about weeds and daisys bothering you!!

Good point about the VAT - never thought of that.
Well thanks for all the info, will keep you posted if we've any more info on Air Park, getting excited now!!!

Thanks for this, its great to have the choice!

You should ask the builder for a quote to cobble your back garden and then compare the price with a paving centre. Getting the builder to do it has the advantage that it will all be finished and lovely before you move in ! I got him to quote for a cobble patio outside the dining room doors.
lmd said:
We are getting all of our kitchen tiled, walls and floors, our hall floor tiled, 2 bathrooms, walls and floors and it's only costing us the €200 extra in tiles and probably €200 extra in paying the tiler.

Which bathroom tiles are you going for? I'm finding it really hard to pick - I've already been to the tile shop twice !
To be honest I can't even remember what tiles we picked, I just remember them being very similar to the showhouse so I think like beige, though I can't remember what floor tiles we picked! However after finding out from you guys yesterday that there is a choice of paint colours I might be tempted to change, as I based the tiles on the assumption that we were stuck with the magnolia. Though having said that, I rang Glan Developments this morning and she said there's only a choice of 2 colours for the 2 bed houses so that isn't too much of a choice. I might go back to the tile place again if we have time though as it all seemed to happen so fast. Though as I said before I thought they were so helpful I'm sure our colour schemes will be fine.
hello all, regarding the painting we were given a colour chart (8 colours) on site and were told that the 2 bed houses came with 2 colours as standard and the 3/4 beds came with 3 colours and that if we wanted any further colours we could deal directly with the painter on site who was ok to deal with.
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