Air vents for gas?


Registered User

We are about to install gas central heating in our new house. We have vents in our PVC windows - does anyone know if we still need additional vents in each room for gas?

Thanks much

new, as in new build houses will have vents in each room anyway! if its a new house to you, but a second hand house, you may not need to insert additional vent other than what's in the windows! judging from my own apt, regs seem to require as many vents as possible in each room....wondow vents, wall vents, door vents!!! our curtains move in front of the bleeding door vent in the french doors....thats what i call a draft, not ventillation!!!!
Hmmmmm Sloggi

Our house is a new build and while it has window vents - I can't see anything in the walls!!! Do I absolutely have to have them?


I had a Gas service perform last week and was asking this question of the guy. He was saying that every room should have some kind of vent, either in window or wall. If there will be a Gas fire in the room you will probably have to have a vent in your wall to create sufficient ventilation. They will also do a smoke test to make sure the ventilation is sufficient enough to bring any smoke or gases up the chimney.

I was also asking about a carbon monoxide detector as the bolier is in one of the bedrooms. He said that it was good to have but not really needed as the bolier was self sealed and all the gases leave by the exterior wall. The need to have one if there is a gas fire in the room as that is where the most problems can be found
ok, i can admit i may be wrong then....but only just!!
that was my understanding bout vents and new houses anyway! but rather than not admit my error, had a stroll round the apt and actually there are no vents in the bedrooms, just the lounge but we have a gas fire...maybe its to do with that rather than the GFCH! old rental flat DEFINATELY had vents in every room! buying a new house down the country and will be OFCH and thought i saw vents in every room! but now i'm doubting myself!!! appologies..
Every room in every house should be ventilated, in the sense that the air can be exchanged. This does not necessarily mean you'll see what my friend heinbloed calls a "hole in the wall" but in most cases in Ireland that's all you're going to get. Perhaps your bedrooms are unventilated, or perhaps the window vents are all you've got - which is OK if the air exchange capability is up to scratch.

Tip for the house down the country, sloggi - stay away from OFCH. 20th century technology, and the oil prices are just going to go up and up.
i agree dont like the idea of OFCH myself but bit nervous bout the whole wood chip burner business! had to know how to call it!

I'm building down the country and going for gas - I think it's much over muchness but I am working the assumption that geothermal etc will reduce in price over time.

Thanks for the assistance
