Air Purifier for Attic


Registered User
We just had the attic of our Dublin terraced redbrick floored off for use as a storage space - but it hasn't been touched in over 100 years, so there's a lot of dust and various particles in the air. Would there be a suitable air purifier we could get which would clean up the atmosphere there somewhat?

Thanks in advance...
Why not vacuum the space (including the underside of the roof covering) with a bagged vacuum cleaner?
Thanks for the suggestion - we could try that, yes.

Instinctively, though, I'd guess that that would just disturb the dust rather than filtering it...

But it's worth a shot!
You don't want to filter you, you want to remove it (at least temporarily at least) from the space, no?
Yes. We want to remove it. But I think that the air up there will get clogged up again, as there is a hundred years of dust lurking up there..!
But I'll try hoovering and see whether that solves the matter...