Air-Conditioning in Budapest Apartment


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I bought an apartment in Budapest (District 7) some time ago off-plans. It will complete in about 15 months time (April 2006). I have recently been given the option of having air-conditioning installed at an extra cost. The total cost for air-conditioning in the bedroom and the living room is approximately €3,300. There are 2 balconies in the apartment, one in the bedroom (it's a 1-bedroom apartment) and one in the living room. I would be very interested to hear any opinions on whether the air-conditioning is a worthwhile investment. I am considering factors such as

(i) Is air-conditioning the norm in Budapest apartments?
(ii) Do summer temperatures in Budapest make air-conditioning a necessity?
(iii) Does the presence of external air circulation (from balconies) affect the necessity for air-conditioning?
(iv) Is the price that I am being given a fair price?
(v) From a financial perspective will the investment in air-conditioning generate a sufficient return on investment (e.g. by allowing me to ask a higher rent and by reducing the time between tenancies when the apartment is unoccupied)?

I will not prejudice pople's opinion by giving my own opinions on the above.

Many Thanks,
(i) Is air-conditioning the norm in Budapest apartments?
Definitely not.

(ii) Do summer temperatures in Budapest make air-conditioning a necessity?
Not in my opinion.

(iii) Does the presence of external air circulation (from balconies) affect the necessity for air-conditioning?
Don't think it will have much effect either way.

(iv) Is the price that I am being given a fair price?
It seems like a fair enough price as far as I know but might be on the high side.

(v) From a financial perspective will the investment in air-conditioning generate a sufficient return on investment (e.g. by allowing me to ask a higher rent and by reducing the time between tenancies when the apartment is unoccupied)?
I doubt it, if financially it's a good idea. Renters won't be particularly concerned as temperatures here don't tend to get above mid thirties at their peak. Nobody I know would be concerned if a flat has air-con or not when renting.

Which street is it on by the way?
In my opinion only badly constructed buildings need artificial air conditioning. If someone offers me a flat with air conditioning I would step back since a building that needs air conditioning will propably have other faults as well. Even in a hot dessert one can build comfortable flats without an artificial airconditioning , it had been done for thousands of years.
heinbloed said:
Even in a hot dessert one can build comfortable flats without an artificial airconditioning
Ah yes - the famous hanging gardens of bread and butter pudding spring to mind alright.

In reply to Budapest's question, the apartment is on KAZINCZY Street in District 7.

Air con is a must in my view. We rent out holiday villa in Spain and temps in summer mid 30s and higher. Clients first question is whether there is air con.
Vital investment for rental property in my opinion.
I'm pretty sure I know the development so. Unless you have some very specific need for air con, I don't think it's a good idea. Maybe air con is a good idea for holiday villas etc, where people might spend a lot of time indoors, but in central Budapest, I don't see any reason whatsoever for it. Building standards here tend to be quite good and double glazing is enough to keep the heat out as streets are narrow and don't tend to get that much direct sunlight so it tends to be cool inside. It rarely gets extremely hot here anyway.