AIP on joint application, partner lost job


New Member
Hi all, looking for some advice

We received AIP in November last year and have been viewing houses since. We've seen over 20, and bid on 1. This weekend we are due to go back to 2 properties we liked for a second viewing. One is cheaper by a good bit but not as good a location. Both are well within our AIP.

Spanner in the works; partner lost his job this week. Will continue to get payslips until end of Feb.

I am the main earner and could (theoretically) get a solo mortgage on the cheaper property based on my salary. Partner is full on job hunting and has very employable skills so we are hopeful there might not be a gap at all in his employment.

Say now we want to buy one of the two properties, are we out of luck closing the deal until he is out of probation in a new role?

Would you pause the search at this point?
are we out of luck closing the deal until he is out of probation in a new role?
Not necessarily. If he has qualifications that are in high demand, the probation can be overlooked on a case by case basis. For example I've seen cases of accountants getting mortgages a month after changing jobs. All lenders are a little cautious around some industries / employers at the moment, due to large scale layoffs.