Ain't the weather just great lately ?


Registered User
Don't know about the rest of you, but the recent good weather, warm sunshine, blue skies and longer days has lifted my mood no end. I could hardly care less about economic collapse or the fight over our corporate tax rates, the sun is shining and I'm feelin good and positive. Ireland is so beautiful when the sun shines, and what's essential about it is really free and eternal. How important is the weather to your mood?
Summertime and the living is easy, fish are jumping and the cotton is high, oh your daddys rich and your mama's good looking, so hush little baby dont you cry..........
always think of the above lines when the weather is like this. loving the sun in the mornings, makes the commute so much easier. Love the longer evenings, not long now till i'll be able to train for football in the bright evenings rather than having to play under lights, longer evenings also means tag rugby, beers after it, burgers too, sit on the pitch and just melt away on a friday evening, a complete wind down after the working week.
How important is the weather to your mood?

Hugely important for me. When I come home I can spend the my first 15 mins running after the small one in the garden and then show her the buds on the trees. Cherry blossoms starting to come out too and saw a few swallows at the weekend. Daffs are out and there's a warmth in the air. Golf without 3 layers on is nice too. Bring it on!!
As freshly unemployed as I am, I am taking some pleasure in getting all the washing done and hung out, giving the house a proper airing out and going for a long long walk with the dog.
Really enjoying it this year. We've had such a harsh Winter, it's lovely to see the sun shining and the bright evenings. Also, for the first time in years I am not commuting into the city centre every day and can really appreciate the changes in the seasons.