OK, so you have an up to date tracker loan. You are not looking for advice on further rescheduling. Well done on getting it in order.
- can i rent out this property without penalty such as a interest rate increase?
You could rent it now and AIB wouldn't do anything about it. It is not their policy to take tracker from people who rent out their houses.
I am not sure if it's a good idea. It wouldn't improve your finances in any way.
So there is no point in renting it out, unless you move abroad and have to rent it out.
If you split from your wife, you could rent a room tax-free.
- what happens if i get a divorce?
The judge might rule that you get sole ownership of the house. But he might also rule that you stay in it and continue paying the mortgage, but she continues to own half of it.
He might also rule that the house is sold and then you would end up owing the mortgage shortfall, with nothing to show for it.
- if i manage to remove her from the mortgage, am i gonna get this house repossessed as me being only one person on the mortgage?
You will not be able to remove her from the mortgage. The bank must agree, and they won't do so.
- can i draft a legal agreement with her and buy off her share in the property? I have some savings (not much, maybe 7k at the moment).
You could do a side agreement where you take responsibility for her share of the property and her share of the mortgage. But it might be difficult to enforce. She would remain liable for the mortgage.