You're missing the point. If the account is maintained and kept in order totally, no late payments or any other matters, why charge somebody a derisory €7 for going say €10 over the limit.
You're missing the point. If the account is maintained and kept in order totally, no late payments or any other matters, why charge somebody a derisory €7 for going say €10 over the limit.
Why would anyone go over the limit 3 times in 3 months? I don't want to be personal about your daughter but didn't she learn the 1st and 2nd time. In any case the account is not well maintained and totally in order. She has broken the limit agreed with the bank?
It is easily done, in the UK I had a direct debit and it was only for £5, put some money into the bank 1 day prior to the money been taken out. However the banks terms and conditions said that any direct debit money had to be in the bank 2 days prior to any direct debit being take out. The bank kindly charge me £19 for that mistake.
You can check an ATM for a balance but it is not always up to-date as you may spent some money and the banks does not updated accounts to reflect the last 3 or 4 days spending therefore do not rely on a balance on any ATM machine.
get a load of this....I went over my limit too on my visa...bucause of a fraudlent transaction done on line!! i rang them to report it and asked them why it happened )ie why did it go through when the money wasnt there to meet the transaction) and i was told by the girl that she genuinely didnt have a clue!!! Yet...if i was in a shop i would be told that my card has been refused...go figure!!!
Bronte, Well thats it, you get a CC and intend to pay it off wisely then you spend spend spend and it gets harder to manage!
I am paying my credit cards off next month when I get let go from my job, I cant wait to close them and I am 100% not getting one again as I am a diseaster with them! I honestly admit that!
People should realise that they can ask to have their limit reduced, when an increase is suggested by the bank it does not have to be accepted. People need to take a bit more responsibility for their actions and not go off whinging that they got charged for breaking the terms of their credit card.
Yesterday I had to book emergency airline tickets for relatives to a far off destination that took me €400 over my €2000 limit with AIB click card. So to avoid the fee I called their customer services helpline last evening long after the card was used asking them for permission to extend my credit limit and they very kindly did so without any questions asked. I was very pleased with the service received