AIB Visa Business Card story - Watch out


Registered User
I have an AIB Visa Business Card for 12 years. Monthly balance must be paid in full every month, no minimum payment. Payment only accepted by Direct Debit.

I have a unblemished payment score, except for two occasions, both of which were either Visa own bungling or my local AIB branch which bungled the monthly deposit to the account from which the Visa direct debit is drawn.
On each occasion, much apologies, all charges refunded.

What is really upsetting is the lack of basic courtesy on each occasion, regarding notification of problem with account.

The first notice I had, each time, was when I used the card (once in Florida to pay hotel) and discovered visa card blocked. This was two weeks after Visa blocked it.
No call from Visa, no e-mail, nothing. It was like they were playing a practical joke, "let’s block the card and see what happens".

When the dust had settled each time, I asked whey they did not notify me when the direct debit bounced and the card blocked.

The answer,
“there are so many bounce direct debits refused each month, we do not contact the card holder. It is the card holder responsibility to make sure the funds are in the bank to meet the direct debit". In other words “could not be arsed”

When pointed out that the funds were in the account, but visa had made the mistake by transferring insufficient funds, they just had not factored that AIB or Visa could make such a mistake.

Last time it happened, Local branch only lodged the cheque amount and managed to "lose" the cash portion of the deposit.
Again, no communication from Visa that DD bounced, no communication that card now blocked.
No notice from local branch that a DD had been refused.
Funds lodged on 12 Feb, branch alerted 26 Feb that part of lodgment not posted to account, managed to find missing cash within 10 minutes. Explanation, on 12th Feb, the banks days balance was out by €1,060.00 (surplus) but they could not trace where the cash belonged. Are these guys thick or what????

The local TSB tell me each teller balances their station every two hours, any descrepency takes the teller and station out of operation until things are balanced again.

It makes me cringe to watch the AIB TV advertisement, so caring, people focused, helpful, user friendly etc and experience the reality of being a customer.
I know I'm starting to repeat myself but it is absolutely appalling the lack of communication from these guys.

I agree with you OP. When my account was in good standing this was the general attitude.

Their business banking side is appalling.