AIB Tracker Rate


Registered User
I know AIB don't offer a tracker product anymore but does anyone know where I could see the current rate for the old product. It doesn't seem to be on the AIB site anywhere.

The old AIB trackers:

Less than 50% LTV = ECB + 1%
50 - 80% LTV = ECB + 1.15%
>80% LTV = ECB + 1.30%
There were better values than that, in the good old days.

From memory:
Less than 50% LTV = ECB + .6%
50 - 80% LTV = ECB + .8%
>80% LTV = ECB + .8% ???
The old AIB trackers:

Less than 50% LTV = ECB + 1%
50 - 80% LTV = ECB + 1.15%
>80% LTV = ECB + 1.30%

I can vounch for the ECB + 1.15%. Just checked it on-line to confirm, its 5.4%, so it will be 4.9% for the next installment.
Sorry to jump onto this thread........
Had verbal approval from a broker for a mortgage with AIB at a rate of ECB +1.15% in late August.
Had nothing in writing but broker said everything was in place.
Approval was signed by a mobile underwriter from AIB and the broker now says that AIB probably won't honour the offer.
Contacted AIB direct and they are 'looking into it'.
Could the fact that the broker used a mobile underwriter scupper my chances of getting a tracker rate from AIB?

Could the fact that I have nothing in writing mean that AIB are not obliged to honour the offer that I was given verbally by the broker?
Could the fact that the broker used a mobile underwriter scupper my chances of getting a tracker rate from AIB?

Could the fact that I have nothing in writing mean that AIB are not obliged to honour the offer that I was given verbally by the broker?

Being blunt, AIB will not give you a tracker rate unless you have a formal loan offer.

AIB mobile underwriters usually just write the AIP, some of them also record the AIP on their laptop. This could be what they are "looking into".
If they find it they will honour the approval in principle, if not then you will have to apply again.
I have an AIB tracker mortgage ECB + .9% - I rang them two years ago and told them I was changing to Halifax so they reduced our rate by .1 to keep us - I'd say they would gladly let us move to halifax now ;-)

Anyhow my gripe is that they haven't reduced the interest rate on my account since the ECB dropped the .5%. In the past it was always updated on the 16th day of the month after the ECB change (+/-) Has anyone else noticed this?
Also on AIB tracker and payment due on 1 November, so hoping to see the reduction then. If not, I will definitely be getting onto them. There have been a lot of rate increases since we were with them and they were quick to pass these on, so I am hoping that the same applies to reductions in the rate!

Thanks for the reply....

They have the name of the mobile underwriter so maybe he just needs to confirm the offer???
There is no question of me having to apply again, they have my details, the only question is what interest rate / type of mortgage I am to be offered

Our mortgage payment is weekly and the figure on 21 Oct remains unchanged. Will be keeping a close eye on this.
Cheers, I didn't know you could do this. How do you add the account?

yeh, unfortunately you can
It sits in the middle of my current and deposit a/c's like a (big) heap of stinking dog poo.

as regards how you add it, remember your mortgage a/c has an a/c number just like your current a/c. You may need to call 24-hr to get the number, and they will send you out a short form to sign in the case of a joint mortgage a/c. Then you go to 'add a/c', under the a/c maintenence section, and hey presto, there it is.

I've found that by seeing it there laughing at me every time I log-on, I'm more inclined to over-pay my mortgage, or try to pay off lump sums.

might even throw a little party in a few months as its currently €x04,000, so x minus 1 soon
On the side menu, click on account services. You can put in the account number and sort code there and will add it.
how things have changed!

we moved into our house exactly a year ago. we were offered and accepted:-

ECB + 0.45 (for the first twelve months)
ECB + 0.75 (thereafter)

Our LTV was pretty good at the time.

I shudder to think what we would be offered if we applied today!
ECB + 0.45 (for the first twelve months)
ECB + 0.75 (thereafter)

ECB + .75 is an incredible rate. Very cheap money whatever way you cut it.

expect a call from your friendly caring bank any day now
ECB + 0.45 (for the first twelve months)
ECB + 0.75 (thereafter)

As a matter of interest, have you managed to move on to the ECB+.75 yet. I would not but it beyond them to not offer it when you finish on the ECB +.45.
We are on the ECB + 0.45% aswell - it looks pretty tight according to T&Cs that when we move to ECB +0.75% in 11 months time that will be the rate. Be interesting to see if anyone has any problems.
Great, checked my joint account on-line and it shows that the weekly mortgage amount went out at the old rate on 28/10 but the revenue tax credit is reduced from last week! Boldness, I will have to call AIB