Key Post AIB Prevailing Rate FAQ August 2020

Brendan Burgess

I got a letter from AIB today with a substantial cheque - what's it all about?

You took out a mortgage between 2006 and 2009.
You had a fixed rate which ended between October 2008 and December 2013.
They should have offered you a tracker mortgage but they didn't. has run a campaign for some years on the topic.
We brought one case to the Ombudsman who upheld our complaint.
AIB was told by the Central Bank to apply it to all 5,907 people in the cohort.

You should also see a reduction in your mortgage balance and your mortgage payments
Check your mortgage balance and you should see this line on it.

"FSPO BAL REDUCTION" which stands for "Financial Services & Pensions Ombudsman Balance Reduction"

It is 12% of the balance outstanding on the date your fixed rate ended.

Can I take cash instead of the write down of my mortgage?

If they should have offered me a tracker, why am I not getting a tracker for the rest of the mortgage term?

The Ombudsman ruled that a fair solution would be to
1) Write down your mortgage by 12% of the balance outstanding on the date your fixed rate ended, and
2) To refund you the interest they charged on that write down.

Is it safe for me to cash this cheque?

Yes, you can cash this cheque immediately. You can still complain to the bank, to the Financial Services Ombudsman or to the court. But whatever happens, you keep your write down and you keep the refund.

Can I apply for extra compensation for the inconvenience and stress caused by not having this money over the last ten years?

I am on a variable rate mortgage - what should I do?

AIB's charges higher mortgage rates for mortgages with higher Loan to Values e.g.

If the write off has reduced your loan to value to a lower band, you should apply to have your mortgage rate reduced.

For example

In this case the write down has reduced the mortgage from the Greater than 80% LTV band to the 50% to 80% LTV band.

I am on a fixed rate mortgage - what should I do?

AIB is allowing anyone on a fixed rate mortgage to break out of the fixed rate free of charge.

If the variable rate for you Loan to Value is less than the fixed rate you should break out now and switch to the variable rate.

You should not fix again for a little while as it is expected that fixed rates will fall over the coming months.

My monthly mortgage payment has been reduced from €1,000 a month to €800 a month. Can I leave it at €1,000?

Yes. Call AIB and tell them that you want to reduce the term of your mortgage rather than the repayment.

I don't trust AIB - how can I check that they have calculated this correctly?

The write down is simple enough. Check the balance when your fixed rate ended and multiply it by 12%.

User October2019 has created a very useful calculator for you to check the refund which you can find here

It is likely that the refund will be about €1,000 to €2,000 less than the figure given by the calculator. I believe AIB is calculating it incorrectly and have raised it with the Ombudsman. There is no need for you to do anything about it at this stage.

How did AIB make such a mess of all this?

Sorry, I have no idea.
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I switched my mortgage from AIB to another bank 3 years ago.

AIB calculated the refund up to the date you switched from AIB. I think that this should be challenged and you should get the interest charged by the other bank as well.

I traded up 2 years ago and they have calculated the interest only up to the date I traded up?

This is correct. When you traded up, you would have had to close your account anyway.

I am currently in arrears - what will happen?

The capital write down should be sufficient to clear most people's arrears.

AIB should correct your credit record accordingly.

And if the failure to offer you a tracker caused the arrears, then you should seek compensation for the stress and inconvenience caused.

I was in deep arrears and had to agree to sell my home to clear my mortgage, will I get compensation?

Under the Central Bank redress scheme, any shortfall on the mortgage would have been written off and you would have got a cash payment of at least €50,000.

But this is not part of that scheme and AIB is doing nothing further than reducing any shortfall by the amount of the write down and sending you a cheque for any interest paid on the write down.

I have a split mortgage - how is that being handled?

The capital write down is being apportioned to your active mortgage and your warehouse.
For example, if you are getting a write down of €30k and your current balance is €200k active and €100k warehouse, your active mortgage is being reduced by €20k and your warehouse is being reduced by €10k.

In addition, AIB has a scheme whereby anything you pay off your warehouse within 5 years of the split being set up, gets a 30% bonus. So if your split is less than 5 years old, you will get a further write down of €3k off the warehouse.

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I got the cheque for €1,615 two years ago but have heard nothing from AIB since?

Ring the Helpline 0818 300 070 or 01 7715 912

There is a sub-group of 300 people whose fixed rates ended before 12 January 2009 and they are getting a much more generous package

I am an AIB customer but I have heard nothing from them. How can I check whether I am included and if they say I am not included how can I check?

Ring the Helpline 0818 300 070 or 01 7715 912

I took out a mortgage in 2008 but AIB never offered me a tracker. Have I a case?

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I had an AIB Staff Preferential Mortgage on a fixed rate of 3% and switched to a SVR back in 2009, but I have heard nothing.

AIB is denying that the Staff Preferential Rate was a fixed rate and, so they argue, that when you switched from it to the SVR, you were not impacted.

Further information on how we are challenging this is here:

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Any advice on what to do with the interest refund cheque?

This really depends on your personal circumstances.

As a very general rule ...

Pay off any very expensive loans such as credit cards, credit union loans, car loans etc.

You should also consider paying it off your mortgage especially if it reduces the Loan to Value band you are on which might reduce the interest rate on your whole mortgage.

Paying it off a mortgage where the rate is 2.95% is the equivalent of getting a guaranteed, risk free and tax free return of 2.95% on an investment which is a phenomenal return in these uncertain times.

I had meant to stick this thread to the top of the forum, but I locked it instead of sticking it.

I was wondering why there were no corrections or follow on questions.

Hi Brendan,

Re: complaining to AIB. I note from the letter in the FSPO redress pack that the address to write a complaint to is:

FSPO Mortgage Review Team
10 Molesworth St
Dublin 2

But according to the FAQ's to make a complaint go to the website and on this
website the postal address is different. It is:

Customer Care Team,
Block E3,
AIB Bankcentre,
Dublin 4

Can you recommend the correct address? I want to write to specifically complain that I should have received a tracker as part of my
original terms when I was building my home.
I think that AIB is gone from Bankcentre

But your complaint does not appear relevant to the FSPO case.

I took a mortgage with my ex who didn't contribute towards the payments and relinquished all responsibility on the mortgage after a long court case. Does my ex still have to sign the form?