AIB AIB Prevailing Rate Campaign - Happy Birthday

Brendan Burgess

I was just thinking that it was one year ago this week, that we got the preliminary decision from the Ombudsman upholding Karen's complaint.

As it was only a preliminary decision, we could not go public on it at the time.

It never ceases to amaze me how badly AIB has handled this in the intervening year.

I wrote to the Chief Executive immediately on receiving the preliminary decision asking to meet him and saying that they could turn this into a positive for AIB by accepting the decision and implementing it immediately. And going a bit beyond the decision and offering those affected tracker rates for the remaining term of their mortgage. They declined to meet me.

Instead the fought it every step of the way.

And they continue to fight it.

I hope that the Central Bank takes all this into consideration when deciding what fine to impose on AIB for their handling of the tracker mortgage issue.

Has it been a year?! And as delighted we all were to be getting the redress, I know in my own case it didn't arrive for nearly another 9 months!

While I am sure the CBI will ignore AIB's long recidivist history stretching back 35+ years you would hope that the fine is sufficiently large to teach them a lesson and change a rotten culture. All banks are greedy but AIB's history with ICI, Dirt scandal, Moriarty tribunal, foreign exchange overcharging, Faldor, interest overcharging and numerous others is on another scale.