AIB "Person in Care" (Special Needs) Account


Registered User
Does anyone have experience of this particular account?
My son is autistic and has been awarded Disability Allowance.
Ive heard from others not to open joint account and a special needs type account would be suitable.
I have an application form from AIB but no separate information.
Any feedback, guidance is appreciated
Anyone any personal experience of this? I had to cancel my appointment in local AiB as ended up in the GP same day and haven't gotten through to them by phone since.
Im going to call in, in a couple of weeks time so any guidance appreciated
I called into my local AIB with completed paperwork and started the process to open up a special needs/person in care account.
They were able to complete some vsteps locally..
They are going to send documentation to specialist team and they will contact me if any further info required.

May take few weeks. It seems that we should be able to setup online banking but im waiting to confirm. Not aware of any limits in place regarding funds.
How did you get on with with this?

I recently contacted both AIB and Bank of Ireland (over the phone) looking to set up an account like this for an adult sibling. In both cases I was stonewalled with the response that I would absolutely need a power of attorney to proceed.
However speaking to a solicitor, I was told that a power of attorney was not possible as informed consent was not possible.

Thus currently stuck in an infinite loop.

Im waiting for an update following sending in the paperwork. The person in branch was extremely helpful and explained that it goes to a team outside of the branch that complete rhe processing.
I haven't received any confirmation that it was received or any update.
I did get the application locally in the branch as when I phoned they were pushing me towards a joint account which is not what I needed at all.

I'll update as I get more info.
Unfortunately I didn't photocopy the form (slipped up on this) but its called "Person in Care" account in AIB. My local branch just printed out the sheets, so might be worth asking in branch.
Just an update and query on this!
Just got details of PIN for a debit card sent care of me and addressed to son also).

My son does have an old junior savings account with AIB from years ago, but never had a debit card and we havent requested one.

Could AIB be changing existing account to the person in care account? Last 3 digits of account number are matching between this letter and his savings account.

Im not sure who to phone for update as i left paperwork with local branch but remaining processing completed by specialist team. I havent received any communication at all.since leaving forms in.
So today, we received a debit card (its in my name for my sons account).
My understanding is that the Special Persons Account has different fee structure. I havent received any other feedback about account, so will give it few days then call into local branch.
I want to be sure that its the correct type of account.
I went to the bank today to obtain details of new account.
I didnt get to see the person that had supported with setup. Other person told me the fees are the same as any current account. Is this correct, does anyone know?
I didnt get any detail specific to this account eg limits on amount