AIB Mortgage Query


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Got provisional loan approval in January.

Then found ideal site and drew up plans.

When went back to AIB, they wanted various reports and estimates of building costs. these have been handed in, but then person handling went out ill, holidays then took out the replacement and now after 8 weeks, still no decision.

Is this normal today, given credit crunch or it is personal?
Every excuse is being tossed out to stall applicants from getting a mortgage at the moment. Heard of one case locally where a couple had a site, got planning permission which is for five years and when they applied for a mortgage three years had elapsed on the planning permission. This was used as a reason for refusing the loan. They are grasping at anything that will prevent them from giving out money at the moment. Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but they are not dragging their heels for nothing in this case.
Why not ring the AIB Mortgages head office? 1890 252008. They will have your application and will tell you the status.
Found AIB to be nothing but efficient when it came to our mortgage.As other poster said Id ring them and find out whats happeneing,wouldnt be waiting on them to ring you.