AIB Mortgage Charges


A Little Sis

Apologues in advance for (possible) duplication of Q

A mortgage taken out about 12/15 months ago. Variable rate and term of 20 years. Mortgage amount €200K. Property now being solkd and not planning to purhcase a new one. Thus upon completion of sasle, mortgage will be cleared in full. Are there penalty charges/fees which the back will impose due to the early termination of this "contract"?

thanks for all your help

A Little Sis
No - thats okay. Its only a fixed rate that attracts penalties if redeemed early.
If you have any worries at all then ask the bank to confirm the current amount required to redeem the mortgage. It will show if there are any additional charges and they can be queried now rather than in the heat of the closing date.

thanks to you both. Another problem solved !!!!!


A Little Sis