AIB AIB issuing receipts for the Prevailing Rate write down


Registered User
We received a letter this morning from AIB. It was a receipt for the write down which we received last week along with the others in the first batch.
No explanation as to why we received the write down.
This will add to the confusion of those who are unaware they are in the cohort.

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That's a genius letter, if the purpose was to guaranteee that everyone who gets it and didn't expect the write down will ring the "helpline".

To me it suggests that the money was paid into the account by some third party, unbeknown to AIB.

At least it is consistent with an ongoing staggering miss when their stated aim to "put the Customer first" is at the core of everything they do, their communications (phone support, letters) have been consistently diabolical.
I don't think that AIB could confuse people more if they tried.

Surely, if the system can send out a letter like this, they could have sent one out with the wording

"We have reduced the balance on your mortgage by €24,079.83 as a result of a ruling by the Ombudsman.
We will be in touch further with a further payment. "

As David says, some people will think that someone actually paid money into their mortgage account by mistake.

That’s a brutal letter. Really beggars belief that they could not have phrased it better than that.
I could tell it was from the bank as soon as it came through the post box.
Really thought it was going to be an interest refund cheque.
Was gutted!
Hi Ant

When did you first become aware of the write down issue? It wasn't from the letter I presume?

Also, the letter doesn't even have the cohort support phone number on it. Beggars belief the level of incompetence.
Hi Ant

When did you first become aware of the write down issue? It wasn't from the letter I presume?

When we received the "service failure" cheque in 2018.
We chose not to pursue it as we felt it was a bit of a David and Goliath scenario.
Started paying much closer attention when AIB set aside the 300 million earlier on this year
I rang today to see if our mortgage had been reduced. And it had €27606 gone off it. Then a few minutes later I received a letter from AIB in the post only stating the amount that had been cleared off it. No explanation,nothing about the cheque etc. Its horrendous the way they are dealing with this. The guy on the phone was really nice and apologetic about it and said they know very little about it either!!