AIB Interest Increase.. Do they have to honour my request to fix last week?


Registered User
Hi Everyone,

I have a mortgage with AIB that I have been drawing from for a renovation project for the last year. A few weeks ago I got my final drawdown so I decided last week that I would fix the mortgage for 2 years. I rang my branch and discussed it further and she verified figures etc and asked me to put it in writing which i did last thursday. When I heard the news today about AIB increasing rates I rang my branch again. The lady (ive dealt with her a few times) said that she hadn't heard anything about the interest rates going up!!! I said that its on the news. She said that I should get my fixed rate as quoted last week.. She said she'd ring me back to verify but it was after 4 so Im not suprised she didn't....
Will they screw me over and try to charge me the extra with the rate increase even though they have my letter just before the increase is announced?? Im worried as I have a financial plan based on the old figures.. Any advise appreciated, thanks!