Hi. Thanks for every one here I am part of the redress but didnt know about the forum until the news on Wednesday.
There is an issue i can't understand if someone here can help me. We had our loan offer in sept 2008. Drew it on dec 2008.3 month deferred. Variable rate march to july 2009 fixed then until aug 2012. The calculation for the fspo take that date into account for the redress. But even though we should have been offered a tracker in 2008 i have no trace of it in the loan offer so shouldn't the calculation start from that date as it was the time we weren't proposed the tracker when we should have?
Hi. Thanks for every one here I am part of the redress but didnt know about the forum until the news on Wednesday.
There is an issue i can't understand if someone here can help me. We had our loan offer in sept 2008. Drew it on dec 2008.3 month deferred. Variable rate march to july 2009 fixed then until aug 2012. The calculation for the fspo take that date into account for the redress. But even though we should have been offered a tracker in 2008 i have no trace of it in the loan offer so shouldn't the calculation start from that date as it was the time we weren't proposed the tracker when we should have?
The bank are using the same conditions, more or less, as what the FSPO did with Karen's case. So what this means is when your first fixed rate ended in Aug 2012, you will get a 12% write down in your mortgage on the balance from that time. Assuming you still have the mortgage with them, you should get around 4% in the form of a cheque in the next few weeks.
The bank are using the same conditions, more or less, as what the FSPO did with Karen's case. So what this means is when your first fixed rate ended in Aug 2012, you will get a 12% write down in your mortgage on the balance from that time. Assuming you still have the mortgage with them, you should get around 4% in the form of a cheque in the next few weeks.
Yeah i understand that bit byt why from the time we came off the fixed and not from the drawn date as they didn't propose the tracker to us when they should in 2008