AIB Banklink gives NIB account balance - Normal?


Registered User
I got some cash from the AIB Banklink outside Superquinn Ballinteer during the week. The withdrawal slip showed the balance of my NIB current account.

I thought that you only got balances when using an ATM operated by your own bank. Funnily enough, this ATM used to be an NIB machine, but switched over to AIB a year or two ago.

Is this normal?
There must be an agreement between the banks i'd say because i often use the local NIB atm to withdraw money from my aib account, and that gives me the account balance for the aib a/c. BoI doesnt though.
Yes. Plenty of banks do this - I've checked my account balances on ATMs both at home and abroad. The other banks knows nothing of your account, and your enquiry is verified by your PIN when you access the machine initially.