I own a few AIB and BOI shares. I bought them before the crash. I have received notices in the past about dilution or rights issue or something like that -did not pay much attention to them. I hold share certs for the shares. My question is if there has been a dilution or rights issue, shouldn't I be receiving new share certs to show my updated no of shares? I suspect that it is only my percentage of shareholding that has decreased but no of shares stay the same. I just want to be sure. Thanks.
I own a few AIB and BOI shares. I bought them before the crash. I have received notices in the past about dilution or rights issue or something like that -did not pay much attention to them. I hold share certs for the shares. My question is if there has been a dilution or rights issue, shouldn't I be receiving new share certs to show my updated no of shares? I suspect that it is only my percentage of shareholding that has decreased but no of shares stay the same. I just want to be sure. Thanks.