AIB and BoI cancel Christmas staff parties

The only way that AIB and BOI can now fail is if Ireland defaults. Not saying it can't or won't happen but the chances of it very very slim.
Right now, I'd give it 50-50.
Why are the share prices so low?
They have 80% dominance, and no chance (apparently) of failure. Seems like a no-brainer.
First, I would regard bank nationalisation a kin to bank failure.
Secondly, if we are in a position where the banks are nationalised, it doesn't bode well for the country as a whole. Remember our bank guarantee as well. Under these circumstances, I wouldn't say the odds of Ireland defaulting were 'not a chance'.

Nationalisation wouldn't lead to the complete break down of financial services that you were implying could happen in earlier posts.
Of course it doesn't bode well if the banks are nationalised but it doesn't automatically mean that Ireland would default.
I said not a chance to your assertion that there was a 50/50 chance of Ireland defaulting.