Ahern donor given key election post in Dublin Central

Don't think Bertie does 'etix'. The very fact that he sat beside Paddy the Plasterer at the rugby in Croke Park, when you'd imagine he'd be keeping his distance, said it all. And sure, maybe he's right to be that blase about his little bit of bother that time - he did his Princess Diana-style interview with Bryan Dobson and up he went in the polls :rolleyes: Maybe we get what we deserve?
While I do not have a lot of time for Bertie Ahern, I don't think this is newsworthy. The post of Director of Elections is not a public post. He is free to hire whoever he likes. And if this man is an old friend, (as Mr. Ahern has consistently stated) it would be hypocritical to distance himself from the guy in the interest of PR.

In fact, on reflection, Mr. Ahern would go up slightly in my estimation for sticking with this friendship (of course, he would go up a lot more in my estimation if it was shown that he was sticking with a friend and that this was actually costing him votes, ....)
In fact, on reflection, Mr. Ahern would go up slightly in my estimation for sticking with this friendship

Cripes, I'd stick with any pal who gave me a non-returnable £50,000 loan too! For life!