But I don't understand that - DCC know I have no savings etc and have my 100% mortgage aprval, and gave me the house on the strength of that. Would the deposit be taken off the mortgage when I sign etc? And where would they expect me to get €8000 for a deposit when they know I haven't a penny??? I'm panicking a bit now....I've spoken to them on numerous occassions, and they've never mentioned this.
Relax! You are just panicking
You will need to give a deposit to secure your interest in the property to DCC. This will be deducted from the price you pay for the property. In my case (as I am on affordable and not AHI) its 1300 euro, which I am sure is your case. I think for AHI it may be 3000. I am open to correction.
This is just a token holding amount to show you are serious about buying the place.
This has nothing to do with the mortgage. I also have 100% approval from EBS, so I would be paying 100% less my 1300 deposit.
Remember this is a two stage processes.
Stage one: get offered a property
Stage two: make sure you can finance it.
Stage one is where DCC get involved
Stage two is strictly bank related.
DCC don’t care how you finance the place, just a s long as you can. And the bank are primarily interested in the cost of the place.
Hope that helps.