AH & Social Housing - DLRCC



Just wondering if anyone has accepted AH units where county council also has allocation for Social Housing units? I've been offered an apartment by DLRCC and was advised to ask them if they had plans for Social Housing. They have confirmed that there is a proposal for 8 social housing units in the development (there are 15 AH units available). I was very keen on the offer initially but this has made me think twice. The fact that there could be high turnover of tenants and you won't know who you're living next to is a concern (I'm trying not to sound like a snob here!!) I'd be interested in hearing from others if they have experienced this - maybe I'm making a big deal about nothing....
There are a few things to think about. Where I'm buying there is a mix of social/affordable. If you find out what agency is responsible for them you can get some idea of who'd be moving in. My own preference would be not to live in a block full of kids - so if half my block was given over to families with kids I don't think I'd go ahead. I've sent you a PM with more detail, if you login you'll see it.