AH in Blackrock/Booterstown


Registered User
Hi Guys,
Please bear with me I'm new to these boards.
We are number 25 on the list for Blackrock/Booterstown Ward. We got a letter today to say that the council may son be in a position to make us an offer in the Blackrock area. We have to send in P60's and Loan approval in principle. To be honest I never thought it would happen so I suppose I've been dragging my heels.
Can any one tell me where the properties might be. I know Thornwood might be an option but are there any others and can you tell me what happens now and how long it might take.
Hi Poochie,
I was no 2 on the Blackrock/Booterstown list and got one in Thornwood, and am very happy there. Havent heard of anymore coming up around the place but you never know!
I was offered mine the very start of July and it took till October before everything was finalised and i was able to move in. Not sure if it still takes that long but be prepared just incase!!!
Let me know how you get on, good luck hope its somewhere nice :)
Hi Mer,
Thanks for that. I'm so excited have to drop in P60's and certificate of "loan in Principle" today. Never thought I'd see my name on one of those !!
Guy on phone was very nice and said there should be some viewings in the next couple of months. But that was all the info he had. Do you mind me asking how much council fees you where charged. Thornwood is gorgeous you're very lucky hope we get something s nice.
Take Care