agri loan v mortgage

  • Thread starter Michael Pat
  • Start date

Michael Pat

This is my first time using this site.Any suggestions please would be very welcome.The bank wants to restructure, and my total loans will be 100,000.
Im in part time farming.The following are the rates they have quoted.
Variable rate 4.74 %.Fixed 6.70%.
Payback as follows.Protected 19,357 euro per PA.Unprotected 17,395 euro.
This would be for 7 years.
13,007 euro PA. for 10 years (no protection) seperate life policy.
to take out a mortgage @ 2.25% for 10 years paying back 11,319 euro.PA.
I own my own home and never had a mortgage.Im 52 years.
Questions you need to ask yourself before making a decision ....

a) How have the debts of E100k arisen? - you say its a restructure - so I'm making the assumption it's currently a mix of short term debt and/or overdrafts. Have you acquired assets for this borrowing? - e.g. land/livestock, or could it be the case that the debt represents losses from farming. If it's the latter, this represents your more fundamental decision - do you continue in part-time farming and potentially continue to increase your losses and/or debts. If on the other hand you have acquired assets in relation to this debt, then ....

b) Calculate firstly how much you can afford to pay say per month/annually ... this will guide you in deciding what term to place the loan over. Whether you opt for a fixed or variable rate is really a matter of personal choice - do you want the security of knowing what your repayments will be for a specific period (albeit it will cost you more as long as varibale rates stay at their current levels), or are you comfortable to deal with any rate increases (bank will be able to tell you effect of what a 1%, 2%, 3% ... rate increase would mean to your repayments) - another alternative is to fix say 50% of the loan and leave the other 50% variable (I'm only using 50% as an example - you could choose whatever % you desire).

c) You will the have to weigh up the higher cost of borrowing of an agri loan v's a home mortgage. Don't forget to include ancilliary costs - e.g. what security do the bank currently hold - will this suffice post restructure (if done by way of agri loan) - could be the case that the bank currently hold security (of land) by way of equitable deposit or lien - they may want to upgrade to First Legal Charge (FLC) post restructure, so you'll incur some legal costs if that's the case. On the other hand, if you opt for the cheaper rate, they will definately want to take a FLC on your home - you will also have to take out life assurance (if you don't already have some to cover the amount and duration of the proposed loan).

d) Personally - I'd opt for the cheaper mortage, (but I do understand that some people have a strong desire to keep their home mortgage free) - if you do go the mortgage route make sure you include the return of any existing security held by the bank to you.

Thanks for your advice.Im thinking of taking out the mortgage instead of the loan.MP.
very good reply... good advice most don't think about when taking out a loan