After all what's happened have we learned anything?


Registered User
I attended an information/business course in the early part of the week. Everybody there was unemployed and genuinelly anxious to find a job.

The vast majority in attendence were young men who had been employed in the construction sector but now found themselves signing on.

The content of the course was quite alarming. The younger guys in attendence seemed quite impressionable and spoke about re-entering the construction sector. Whilst the instructor had mentioned the sector was a basket case he in the next breath encouraged the guys to borrow as much money as they could and were they could, to help them get their businessses up and running.

It bothered me to see yonng people being encouraged in sectors that were in dire straights; the talk of retail opportunities was rife. Nothing new and absolutly no inovative ideas.

It just goes to show, we still haven't learned a thing.
What was the name of the course/meeting/seminar?
What were the objectives of the course?
Who was the course pitched at? and were they paying for the course themselves?
What organisation/agency developed and promoted the course?
Who delivered the course? and what were their qualifications.
What were the expections of the attendees and were these expectations met by the providers?