Africa adventure


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Myself and my partner are currently trying to decide on a honeymoon destination. We have done a fair bit of looking around and have pretty much decided on Kenya and Tanzania. The trip includes starting off with a few days in mombasa followed by a 9 day trip from nairobi through a lot of the more popular sites in tanzania and then to arusha and then finishes up with a few more days in zanzibar before heading back home. I'd appreciate any comments on previous experiences particularly about mombasa and zanzibar
We went to kenya in 2000, but went in Jan when the weather was good and hot, went to mombassa and stayed on beach for 2 weeks, taking in a safari in masi mara, part of the package. if you plan to travel by road it can be very very long, bumpy ,hot and dusty. if you haven't been to Africa before, you could be in for a major culture shock,as in poverty and begging etc. but people are extremely friendly... June and July months slightly cooler, a bit wetter I think.....a word of warning though, our rep in hotel told us not to wear jewlery, cameras around neck etc.. on display... he said " you know why Kenyan athletes are the fastest in the world" but having said all that, it is a trip of a life time, you will have many fond memories, as we did, and dont forget your binoculars !
forgot to mention, bring lots of socks, teeshirts, pens, etc as they go down well with the locals, especially on the beaches as part of bartering with them. make sure you also bring plenty of mossi spray,particularly if you plan to do the safari route
Thanks for the info, where did you stay in mombassa and what was the accomadation like. I have read a lot about the begging and the beach boys but almost everybody re-iteretes that the people are very friendly so I'm looking forward to seeing the country.
Any info. on zanzibar?
Also just to get into Kenya you need all required inoculations plus the yellow card signed by doctor (yellow fever inoculation is essential for entry). Check that the areas you are visiting are malaria free. If in any doubt go on a malaria course prior to travelling (advice from doctor). Kenyan people are very friendly but country is also dangerous. No problems if you stick to normal tourist areas and don't go wandering alone. Try not to carry bags and cameras when wandering around. November to April is ideal time re temperature. Rainy season is June to September.
If you travel from Nairobi to Mobassa, take the night train in one direction or the other. Its a beautiful old world experience. Travel first class..As far as I remember it was pretty cheap (I did it in the mid nineties)....Carriage for two, bunk beds, prepared by a steward who rings a bell summoning everyone to dinner in the dining carriage...Really pleasant experience....
Stayed at the Whitesands Mombassa in the mid nineties but have no idea what it is like now...People in both Tanzania and Kenya tend to be very friendly and speak brilliant English. Nairobi is a fairly dodgey city. It is not recommended to walk around with jewellry or watches on as they can and will be snatched very easily......If its still open try Carnivores restaurant where you can taste all kinds of wonderful meats. Fun experience. Both countries are pretty poor so if you haven't been to developing countries before, do some research so you know what you are in for. Would also recommend seeing the gorilla's in Uganda/Rwanda but it might add significantly to your time. You can fly from Nairobi into Kigali and then go to the Virunga Mountain area where you can to treking to see the gorilla's. Rwanda is very poor and can be volitile however. PM me if you want any other info. Sorry haven't been to Zanzibar but friends had wonderful breaks there...