Affordable Housing with Fingal Co Co

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

The 2 bedrooms range from €158000 to €160000 with €8000 down. 3 bedrooms are from €170000 to €172000 with €8500/€8700 down for Martello.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

How many of each are there? (hope to get my letter tomorrow, DAMN YOU AN POST!)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Sister was offered affordable in Erris in waterville - has anyone any feedback on this development? Thanks.

Hello Tipper

I'm accepting an offer for Erris Square. I think the development is really nice. It wasn't built as affordable so it's all really high quality. I checked out a lot of other areas where affordable was offered but this was the only one I thought I'd be happy in. It's very quiet there but within walk of shops, village, sports facilities etc. Park opening soon. I know people who bought in Waterville a few years ago and stayed within the development when they upgraded to a bigger house - reckon that's a good sign?

I always ruled out Blanchardstown when I was thinking of buying before, but I think Erris Sq has changed my mind - it has a nice neighbourhood feel to it. I think traffic is a bit of nightmare though. Metro stop planned in the development within the next few years.

Only concern is that the market price given them is too high. Check out Daft and you'll see the same ones a lot cheaper - tho after walking around I do prefer Erris to the other releases of Waterville, less built up and nice finish. Might have a case for clawback reduction before signing? I know this has happened in other developments.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Martello is not near the train station (and main town)n. I would estimate a 30 minute walk. I heard something about there being a bus from the shops to the train station.

I've registered my interest so will report back as well.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just got my letter for Martello from fingal county council, rang them and they said they will revert back later...not sure whats the story...
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

That's the way it works. As far as I can work out:

They send the letter to everyone, then they give it a week to hear from all those who "express an interest". When the week is up, they collate the data and allow X number of people at the top of the list to view.

If anyone has better knowledge on the mystical process: do share!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Just general feedback on Erris Square…I live in one of the previous squares – had previous house in Ongar and found the build quality in general of Waterville very good. My snag list was only 17 items despite my surveyor being really picky as I was trying to delay the closing. Since moving in I have had a few plumbing issues (and I heard two scary stories of people that had major re-building). However things like the sound proofing etc I find excellent – I can’t hear the phone in my hall ring when I’m upstairs in the bedroom! Where I live is totally owner occupied, and whereas I find the management company worse than useless the services provided such as bins, gardening etc are usually of a high quality. Keep the builder’s phone number and hassle him if you have any problems.

I’m from Blanchardstown originally and the traffic is a pain but no worse than anywhere else in the area. Amenities grand, apparently there is due to be a convenience store in the complex but I’ll believe that as soon as I see it (the park’s been due to open soon for some years). Apparently there are three more squares to be built.

I bought mine 3 years ago (2 bed duplex) for €263,000 and it’s probably valued around €330k now. I got an estate agent valuation last year of €390k but I think that was over-inflated. I’d be interested to know what they’re for sale at for the affordable housing. I wouldn’t have qualified anyway due to income limits but I’d like to know the cost price, as such!
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Could i ask how much are the two and three beds in Martello. ????? I hope i get the letter tomoro. I should ive being approved a while and am on the local! Balbriggen is a bit far out tho!

I'm the same..think theyre a bit far out..particularly from that info RE: train and bus.. going to ring tomorrow and register harm looking (if I get the chance to look!)
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal


2 bed ground is the offer. Market value 360k (which does seem overstated judging by similar on daft/my home), clawback is just under 30%.
Does anyone know if you can access Erris via the entrance beside Connolly hospital. Last time I passed by it was blocked.

Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I received a letter from FCC for Martello viewing.

But when I asked someone how lives in Balbriggan, he said it is not a good area ...Not tidy, and not very clean...

What do you think guys?

I think someone drove there and posted that it is a nice area I'm looking for more feedbacks..


Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

What date do you have to register your interest by for the Martello properties?
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Yup it was me who drove there!I thought it seemed a nice area..but then again Im not from the area so maybe your contact is more in the know?Interesting to get another opinion. I rang Fingal to register interest (Kara last date is Friday at 4).. they said they would contact people very early next week and viewings late next week or early following week.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

R.E Erris Square

I am also in the same boat - the figures given to us by fingal seem to be over market value by up to fourty thousand and im concerned by this and am very interested in the valuation that the mortgage providors will give on the appartments - maybe these 'market prices' quoted were done 6 or 8 months ago before there was a slump in housing but whatever the case - the figures seem to be way off anything else on sale in the waterville area based on anything on daft/myhome/local estate agents etc etc (though, even without residents occupying erris sq, it has a nicer feel to it than the rest of waterville)

i do have a question for you - which of the 3 morgtage companies (iib/ebs/boi) are you going for? - i havent decided but iib seem to be a lot more expensive and really not competitive at all

also, how much are you paying for solicitors fees? - ive found a solicitor who will do the lot for 1200 (incl vat) plus outlays of about 200/300 because its under the AHI - this seems like a great deal

as for the question about the road leading diresty to erris sq - it should be accessable as soon as building is complete afaik
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

the 2 bed duplexes were quoted as having a market value of between 372k and 380k and udner the AHI were being sold at between 267k and 275k with a clawback of 27/28% - as ive said in the previous post - these 'market value' figures seem way way off judging by what identicle duplexes are going for in other areas of waterville

you also mentioned some plumbing issues and management co. issues - can you give a little detail on these alonng with any other issues that i might want to be aware of when moving in - thanks

2nd question - are wooden floors allowed in 2nd floor apartments - in all the pickures of non ground floor apartments on daft/myhome etc they have wooden floors but i was under the impression that they were not allowed - i would love to have this rather than carpeting and would be prepared to get high quality flooring/sound proofing if these were permissible

also - what parish does waterville belong to - is it st patricks or st brigits? this may seem like an odd quesation but it has implications for what school residents are eligible for
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Gleann Ribh Lusk, anyone know anything about the builder coming back to do the snag? Rang the council recently to ask if all units were sold and if that was the reason the builder had not come back. Got a rather snotty answer: 1 left and no that is not the reason .Can't think of anything else, its nearly 2 months now since i sent them my snag list!! ANd to think that when fingal cc showed me my place almost 5 months ago they told me i could be in it the start of April!
is it just this estate or do they generally take their time in making the all important phone call to the builder to do his bit after the snag is done? so slow....................
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi Cat123,

I drove there last night the houses a bit far out and there seems to be many nationalities living there some are on the dole..

had a look at the houses through the window, to me it seems to be only a kitchen downstairs I could not imagine a living room in that small space and had a look at the back garden, it was reasonable.

Went to the Garda station and enquired about the area, the Garda mentioned to me they had many reported incidents in Martello area about cars broken into and he confirmed there are a lot of people on the dole in that area.

Noticed, it is very close to the shops but far and I mean far from the train station.

Another point I'd like to mention that I came across in my research which is about Moylaragh (which is the area next to Martello); there are many houses for sale there, to me this is not a good indication!

Also in Moylaragh road there were protest about traffic sometime ago which is by the way the road that leads to Martello.

I think I'm loosing my interest bit by bit, but I'll do the viewing as someone mentioned it does not do any harm.

I'd like to hear feedback from all the people who got letters for these houses.


Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

I have lived in Balbriggan for 3 years now and comparing to other places I've lived in Ireland, it is a lovely place to live. I know my neighbours, people are general kind and polite, people say hello to you etc etc. My son was taught how to ride a bike by some of the kids on my street which meant I had to buy him his.

Balbriggan as a whole has developed so fast and very quickly. Yes, it has a lot of multinational (just like anywhere in Ireland) but that does not necessary mean that they are renting. Most of them own their properties. Most people work (I'm judging this on the parking spaces at the train station and on the platforms waiting for the train).

Comparing Martello to any other housing development in Balbriggan, it is actually small. There is a small open field in the front and a very big one to the right of it which I've seen the Fingalcoco signs (very tiny, you can almost miss it) announcing future developments on the sites.

Also, with any up and coming places you get the good plus the bad. Bad road planning, recreational facilities etc (not too bad, it's just that the govt is not reacting as fast as the population is growing in ireland generally), and lastly unsavory characters that see the world differently from you and I. It does not matter where you buy your house, the reality is the you'll still get 1 or 2 cases of incidents happening.

After saying all these, I must be totally out of my mind trying to convince you otherwise since who knows, you might be the person ahead of me on the list. You saying no means I get the place.
Re: Affordable Housing with Fingal

Hi there everyone, very new to this site but have read up on everyones previous posts and have found all the information really helpfull. Just a quick question, how many months do you have to show you have been saving for before you can apply for AF and how much would you recommend that you should save every month?