Affordable Housing: what exactly affordable housing mean?


Registered User

just wondering what exactly affordable housing means - do tax payers effectively foot the bill for someone to buy a house?
And how does one qualify..........

A collegue of mine has mentioned to me that he is hoping to get affordable housing.............he has fiance & 2 kids ...she doesnt work (did until recently) & he earns 50k a year............

Now in my opinion there is no way in hell that he should get affordable housing.................I certainly wouldnt get it if I applied.............

Why do some people have to move far enough out of the city in order to be able to afford a house & so commute in when someone else on the same money as them seems to get a free ride?
Re: Affordable Housing

I think the combined income for two people is around 70K.
Your colleague may be entitled to it.
The 'raffle' for these houses were on locally and i seen guys pulling up in BMWs (5 series) who were in the raffle. Its like everything else- you'll always get people scamming the system.
Re: Affordable Housing

yep it is easy to get round unfortunatly - i was on the list for years, i met my man and was married by the time i got offered a house anyhow DH wages put me over the threshold - if i was living with him i would have gotten the house because only my income would have counted if we were not married and had 2 kids maybe i would have had a house by now, who knows.

there are always people who can diddle the system and in the end it was my choice to marry an earner and anothers choice to only have one wage coming in (usually a risk in this day an age) and be better off in other areas such as affordable housing.