Affordable housing survey from dept of the environment


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As the Affordable Housing schemes are being re-evaluated the Dept of Environment is seeking input from interested parties. The following survey can be completed online. We all have lots of opinions on Affordable Housing. Questions include supply, delivery, income levels etc... Here is a chance to give feedback:

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The following link is a report on Increasing Affordable Housing Supply. It makes for interesting reading and suggests a few changes to the scheme. Particularly interesting is page 65 that deals with the possibility of people moving from one affordable property to another as needs change. Also mentions doing away with the time limits on clawback etc. I'm guessing these changes can't effect anyone buying now, but there could be changes around the corner for people waiting? Some of them could be good, I'm sure others will be unpopular with some people...,17193,en.pdf
Thanks for the info Cheeus....
Makes for interesting reading alright.