Affordable Housing.....North County Dublin


Registered User
Hi All,

Does anybody know if Fingal County Council are working on or releasing any new developments (3 bed houses) this year on the A/H Scheme? I know they did Ringfort in Balrothery last year, and they currently have apartments in phibblestown and balbriggan.

Also, for anyone who has purchased a property via the A/H Scheme, how long were you waiting? Ie, from initial application to purchase?? Is it a long and drawn out process??

Any info would be great!!
Hi Mrsmoneypenny

I was waiting for 2 years for something but i did get a three bed house in the area i wanted and i was very happy but i do know people that where not waiting that long i know one girl that got pulled out after 5 months so it depends.hope this helps .

Hi Mrsmoneypenny, I was waiting 7 months from application date to being offered a 3 bed house. I found the whole thing a very fast process!
Hi MrsMoneypenny,
IN my experience a lot of it depends on the council you go with...I applied for all 4.....still waiting on DLR, SDCC and Fingal. Get 6 monthly updates to say I've moved about 2 placed up the list from all bar DCC.

DCC seems to be the quickest, for me anyway, eventhough it's a draw....I know for a fact people who are being offered apartments in DCC aren't taking them with the way the current economic climate is going.

I've been offered about 4 properties in the last 8 months, settled on one and waiting for contracts. All in all from date of application to my first offer....about 18 months.

Hi Mrsmoneypenny,

I don't think there is any new propertys in the near future. there was 650 homes on there books at the minute that they can't shift.

I got a house on the AHI scheme - process wasn't too bad - the snag list was the longest part for me.

I would shop around - there is alot of property on the market at the minute cheaper than Affordable houses.
Hi Guys,

Thanks all for the info.

Since i posted this, i have now been faced with another predicament that i could use advice on......

Since posting this, I visited first active, who said that because my husband and I are on relatively low income....(both under €40k), and we do have some outgoings, (we have a car finance and we took out a personal loan to get married), that most we could qualify for is €140k!! As you can imagine, I was devastated. I then contacted Haven Mortgages, who said that they could give us €180k.

Things are in dyer straights now, and we desperately need housing, as the cost of rent (€1150 for a small 2 bed terraced per month), full time childcare, rising gas and esb costs, is just crippling us.

I dont know what else to do, as we cant really afford to save, I have a small amount of savings of around €5k, and I dont think being qualified for the amounts that we have, will be enough for affordable housing.

Any thoughts guys.....getting a bit desperate now
My advice would be to go through a mortgage broker, they don't cost anything and they know how to get the highest amount possible from the banks. Even still you will still need to have access to about €20k minimum for a deposit. Cheaper rents are out there to be had at the moment. Reduce your rent and save would be my 2 cents.
fire ahead and ask me what you need, i did this option and i also bought them out, so i kinda know the two sides of what is needed for this option.

dont be disheartened - go back to FCC... if you can pay 1150 you should be able to pay a mortgage. FCC policy is to have those on AH waiting lists prove that they can pay a mortgage (evidence of savings and/or rent). obviously your other loans are a factor. try and get them down and you will have a better chance ......

ring fingal co co and ask every question you have - they should be able to help... i waiting a year then got a few choices... between my choice and moving in ... it was 2 weeks!! happy days.. process with easy ..waiting time will depend on what properties you are looking for and what is available.

also as other poster said - you will need a deposit...
Hi Guys...

Just a question that I wanted to add to on of my previous posts in this thread....

As I said before, First Active have approved us for an abismal amount, so should I approach Fingal now for a mortgage instead?? I know that they give mortgages on the basis that you can prove that you have been refused from 2 of the 5 institutions, however, can they give you a mortgage if the bank hasnt approved you for enough???
Go through the Government-run 'Home Choice' anyway - you have nothing to lose by applying through them...