Sorry I shoud've explained I've been on the list 2 years or more I think, can't remember so the longer you're on the list you're name goes into the hat more than once...at least that's what I was told when I asked how come I got offered 2. Then again I have been hearing that there are 2 seperate lists; for higher and lower earners....not sure where I fit in on that one!! It's all a tad confusing if you ask me and the fact that all 4 councils operate a different sytem doesnt really help I feel.
Another thing I'm just want to throw out there as I'm not too well up on the whole AH process.....I was told Belmayne wont be ready for another couple of months, I'm in Phase 2 apparently and I was told I'll be buying directly from the builder!!?? Just wondering if anyone out there has been in this situation.....I mean where are DCC in all of this if I end up buying from the builder....I know I probably should've asked while on the phone to DCC....I mean am I at a disadv or an adv.....and is it back to the earlier question, are developers off-loading apartments as AH???? Completely confused now!!!