affordable housing: are the income levels for all local authorities the same?


Registered User
just a quick question - are the income levels for all local authorities the same, or are there variations from area to area?
Re: affordable housing

They vary.
In Fingal, the single person limit is €40k but in Dublin city council it is €55k.
The relevant local council website will give you the right information for your area.
Re: affordable housing

They vary.
In Fingal, the single person limit is €40k but in Dublin city council it is €55k.
The relevant local council website will give you the right information for your area.

Wrong, its 60k in fingal. Its on thier site.
Re: affordable housing

[broken link removed]

This here says €40k.

[broken link removed]

This says €60k.

We are both right.
Re: affordable housing

It was 40k for the Fingal Affordable housing some time ago but I think there is another scheme called Affording Housing Initiative. There are lots of previous threads covering both but all seem to differ so your best bet is to call them and ask...

Re: affordable housing

with fingal affordable housing scheme limit is 40k
affordable housing initiative limit is 55k

They are different schemes...check fingal website. its all outlined there..

What local authority were you interested in applying to?
Re: affordable housing

Just wondering if anyone knows what the prices of the houses are for the Ballincollig scheme? I am on the list 3 years and am getting no satisfaction what so ever when I ring them. I rang Batt O Keeffes office and I was told that they are giving out the 1st batch of houses (Highfield Park, Ballincollig) next month. It seems to me that its impossible to get any details off the council, so I was just wondering if anyone knows anything?!!
Re: affordable housing

Hi dylanjohn,
I have been on the list since last year but every time I ring I hear something different. I heard the applications are being processed at the moment alrite but dont know how long that takes.
Thank you saucystunner,
I ring them about once a week and each week there is somethng different, rang again yesterday and apparently they are hoping to have some news within the next few weeks, and it is likely they will give out the first batch towards the end of the summer. Fingers crossed - I am so sick of waiting. I have 2 kids and am living at home the last 3 years in order to save, obviously I never thought it would drag on this long! I am assuming nobody has been told any more info?? By the way, I am actually female, put in my sons name as username thinking it was just a password :)
oh right, well I would just love to know either way so that I can plan something else if this falls thru. The C.C. are pathetic to be dealing with. I thought that they'd be doing interviews by now but guess not.
HI bubblebunny,
I asked one of the politicians how much he reckons the 3bed houses will be in Ballincollig, and he claims around €220,000. That is not certain, but Id say myself that is around what they will be. There are 3 different estates in Ballincollig so the prices will vary in each. Im not too sure about anywhere else - sorry!